Your greatest resource is Power

Values are a way you can coordinate your priorities. When you understand the values most important in your life, you have the power to align your resources with your values.

I use the word power specifically. Your power comes from your decisions, choices, actions and habits.

The challenge most face is settling down, settling into what you want, how to understand the nature of your power and implementing.

I want to keep this simple for you. The current decisions, choices, actions and habits you are making are based on what you know, usually based on the culture, family and community you have been connected with.

The greatest gift you have is your power of choice and decision. The future is based on the choices and decisions you make today.

Let’s apply this now. If you want to experience a change, it’s not always the change that scares you. It’s doing something different than the way you learned it. It confronts the status quo of how you were taught or what you believe.

The first thing is to list the qualites and values most important to you.

For example, for me, fitness, health and lifestyle (my identity of lifestyle) is important to me. To align my resources with my values, I am going to find community and places to spend my energy, time and money which will build and develop my fitness health and lifestyle which includes people.

I value risk taking, shining my light to be seen valued and recognized. What I consistently do, is find communities and groups who can appreciate these qualites of me.

When you align your values with your resources you add to the quality of your living.

You- must be open to it.

There will always be distractions, ideas of limitations, or just a sense of comfort.

Here’s where it is up to you, your power, your courage, your belief and faith to step forward. To act. To allow.

You will continue to get the same results until you step into a new community, recognizing common values and shared goals.

Time, money and energy are resources designed to circulate. To move and flow. When you are in fear, stressed, feel powerless or helpless with any of your resource, you close yourself off to what is possible.

Listen to that again. When you are in fear, stressed, feel powerless or helpless with any of your resources you close yourself off to what is possible.

Anything New begins with an idea. Then that idea is acted up.

There is no concern of outworld resources. There must be a connection with one’s own inner world, ones own power decisions and actions to make it happen.

There are no rules. There is no structure. You will have to build that. Build your own rules and structures. And, when you find the right communities, they will support you in building those rules and structures.

This is why a corporate culture is important for the company and its employees. This is why a marriage depends on 2 people with a shared vision, common goals and values in life. It makes the journey towards success and fulfillment pleasurable, effortless and HAPPY.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Fulfillment, a force so powerful bringing pleasure, joy, beauty and grace that can only be experienced from within. Luxury so exotic and unique in self expression, passion and personal power.

When it comes to luxuries we all enjoy the experience of the finer things life has to offer. The joy of succeeding, generosity and feeling freedom naturally flow through you with passion. Yet, sometimes you feel a deep desire, a feeling that you just can’t place your attention on how to fulfill.  This desire is like an aching need, feeling as if nothing in the world can fulfill it. This pure, deep desire is the most intimate part of yourself, it’s found within you.  Being so full of yourself from the inside, by letting go of attachments, releasing criticism, judgment and  insecurities sweeps you off your feet.  It’s the presence of this space within, the world around you stands still, calm, serenity and peace wash over you. Fulfillment, a force so powerful bringing pleasure, joy, beauty and grace that can only be experienced from within.  Luxury so exotic and unique in self expression, passion and personal power.

The journey to fulfillment begins within you.

Here are some action steps towards greater fulfillment in your life:

Be true to yourself. Set healthy boundaries that are true to who you are, say no when you mean no, yes when you mean yes. Clean up and get rid of everything that no longer brings you joy or nourishes your life. Take up activities you have always wanted to do, allow yourself to feel so free in your self expression through art, cooking, gardening or music. Indulge your senses in beauty and delicacy through taste, smell, feel, sound and sight.

Focus on what you really want in your own intimate space.  Take time to slow yourself down within your mind and body. Your outer world needs your inner world to slow down, stop the chatter and feel the stillness. This means intimate personal space is a must.  Taking time daily for yourself by meditation, journaling, walking in nature or baths, will allow you to cultivate a relationship with your intimate self, your inner desires. Allow for clearing your head of the negative, self-sabotaging beliefs, the judgments and comparisons.  Listen to the voice within, feeling into gratitude, love and compassion.

Take up a personal practice of your values. What qualities do you value most? A few examples of values are~ integrity, community, truth, trust, success  Act within your life in accordance to the values most important to you. Everything you do is in alignment with your personal values. Begin your day clear on your values and with precision act through them in all of your interactions, relationships and transactions.

Own it. Let your wealth from within be the true riches. If everything in your world was gone tomorrow, know your inner riches never leave you.  Own your true wealth from within, through kindness, humility, authenticity, generosity, loving, sharing, giving and receiving, courageous, and reaching your limitless potential. Own the fullness of who you are.

The path to fulfillment is a journey, not a destination. It’s a consistent practice of the ebbs, flow and dance within life.  Illuminating the riches within.

Monica Heiz

There’s a whole other level to commitment.

There’s a whole other level to commitment

It asks to look at things from another perspective.

It shifts the focus or idea of purpose from a push and “not giving up” mentality and action to, what am I not seeing, what is my ability to take actions from a new place, to shift my views and beliefs of my own way of strategizing and implementing for outcomes.

This level of commitment has no fears. This level of commitment would walk away, that’s right walk away to place attention on building relationships, health and contribution without the idea of a power outside of self.

This level of commitment would walk away, that’s right walk away to place attention on building relationships, health and contribution without the idea of a power outside of self.

This commitment shows up as self reliance and, contribution by others creating a giving and receiving that’s in balance and harmony of your desired outcome.

It builds and creates. This level of commitment finds joy, pleasure and passion, and it shows up with purposes in connections.

Often commitment has places focus only on “I must do this to achieve that”. The level of commitment I’m describing, operates by setting goals, intentions, desires, visions, however you want to define them, taking necessary actions and reviewing the results. If the results are not connecting to your desired outcome, you may be going about your goal and vision from the wrong perspective, nothing to do with your ability to commit and follow through. Pushing harder is not always the solution. Getting out of your environment works. Getting out of your environment is an incredible way to see how others work towards or achieve what you desire. It gives you a fresh perspective and a way to go about your commitment.

Commitment has an emotional component to it. Committing to something, is personal. It links you to what you desire, what you feel is important to you. Not following through, not completing the commitment disturbs your peace of mind and can interfere with your relationships, professional and personal.

Embrace your emotions.

Embrace your desire “for” your commitment. In this, you allow flow to move through you, with a sense of right action and purpose.

Your needs, your push will self defeat you, by believing this is the way to commitment. And honestly, subconsciously our “needs” have been linked, programmed to safety security and basic survival needs. In a way, going about your commitments from this emotion of need you’ll gravitated towards relationships and connection in this undercurrent of emotions, unaware of how to maintain your own mastery of commitment, free of the survival pattern.

In this new space and open perspective of commitment you are inviting and welcoming a new environment and way to be intimate with commitment. You thrive in ways beyond the confines of pushing through your commitments to gain success.

You master it.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Owning your Identity

The power of your 2nd chakra, Owning your identity

The 2nd chakra represents either side of the spectrum, pain or pleasure. It is linked to lack and scarcity or abundance and prosperity. It represents your identity within the world and your relationship to the resources that nourish and nurture, money, food and sex.

It is often modeled, imprinted and developed based on your family systems, their beliefs habits and patterns.

Where lack and scarcity bring upon fear of unworthy, neediness, not enough, hiding, self judgment, hopeless, and a host negative feelings and emotions.

Abundance and prosperity brings with it clarity, focus, a sense of peace, trust and more than enough. It speaks of owning your own identity around your basic needs, money, food, sex.

These 2 sides of the spectrum are designed to have movement~ e-motion, energy in motion. Therefore when you are caught in the current, the flow of emotions you can see, feel and turn your emotions into a powerful transformer of circumstances. Where there was lack and scarcity, identify the relationship, the trigger, the point you feel and how you describe the feeling. From here, begin a process to redefine the feeling. Confront fears, the basis for holding negative feelings and emotions. Take actions that challenge you, scare you and trust, that transforms your feeling quick, it’s an accomplishment, and says yes I can and I do.

Abundance and prosperity is meant to be shared. It’s meant to flow, that’s the true nature of the 2nd chakra when healthy and balanced. You flow, your resources flow freely meaning no negative charge to hold them stuck and stagnant.

2nd chakra is how we relate to our emotions and feelings and how we can flow in the world, our resources and relationships. If you find you get a bit stuck or unsure, find trust, step forward, find pleasure and joy and act. Often the simplicity of giving gets you unstuck. Giving from a positive emotion, no attachment, this is what it means to give freely, non attachment.

Learning to navigate your 2nd chakra will give you a plan of action. It identifies your feelings and emotions and directs you, without attachment, to where to transform and shift your interaction and energy. Energy meaning thoughts, feelings and actions, your beliefs. Once again, often the beliefs were planted by family patterns. As you look, and see, as you decide you want a different outcome, feeling, belief you begin to feel and act from that place.

It begins with giving. With opening up your heart, with finding trust in yourself and freely giving with passion and self love.

It’s where you own your identity. Who you are in the world

It’s a beautiful chakra to have spinning and moving healthy and clear. Enjoy the process

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Non Attachment

It’s very simple to speak and say, well detach from it- hold no attachment, it’s another thing to actually be able to apply this skill set.

Non-attachment at its foundation holds you in faith, strength, courage and trust.  It’s a magical place to stand. What occurs in order to be in non- attachment is a power from within and without so strong, there is nothing to stand in your way of the desired outcome.

Now, for many people the idea of detaching, brings up the exact issue that creates the attachment. So for example, fear of money- has people afraid of letting go, releasing, give of money. Fear of safety and security has people holding onto things, homes, people, money because of the feelings and emotions that are associated with the idea of losing safety and security.

These are the real issues, programming and patterns to clear- to find a sense of peace, clarity and freedom.

So how does one go about doing this?

First, identify what the fear is?  I mean look at the fear- not judge it, or label it, just look at what brings up fear- loss of what?  Now once you have identified the fear, be present with it. No action required. No emotions required.  Go about your living, and begin to notice each time a thought, feeling, emotion or experience comes up and triggers this fear. Good.  All you are set to do here is identify it and observe as it comes up.

Now that you know what brings up the fear, you see the trigger. Be patient.  What often is a thorn in the side with non- attachment is the fighting, the grip, the will, and determination to change something to get out of the pain, chaos, trauma.  This holds a charge and power.  Patience is the salve to igniting the trigger.  With patience you can defuse the charge.  Stay in patience. Center, breath, and find stillness.  These are a new experience.  This begin to settle the ground beneath you, the one that shakes everytime the trigger blows up.

What your next step here is to look for what you want.  What experiences feelings emotions and outcomes do you want.  No- attachment, just what are they.  Then ask youself why these triggers affect you.  Why at this point in your life are you being triggered by something that occurred when you were a child and what truth do they hold now? What traumas were there, what chaos erupted, what pain, saddness, vicitimization and lack or scarcity did you see or were exposed to.

Here is where you my love must show up in your power.  If you saw witnessed or experienced a trauma, you most likely did everything you could to protect yourself and overcome it.  Settle in to this with me.  Look around you.  Do you have the love, security, safety, money, food and relationship (whether with yourself or a partner) you desire.  Did you create the environment now as an adult you needed to get yourself out of the situation or circumstance that held you in pain, chaos and trauma?

I bet you did.

So now, the body, your emotions are still running the program.  They are being triggered by the patterns that show up in your life.  See you did a great job remove and growing from the experience physically, yet emotionally those wounds must be released- non- attachment, for you to truly be free.

You’re essentially still holding the fear pattern within through your thoughts actions and behaviors.  Now, non-attachment will ask of you to step into courage, to be the adult, the responsible adult you were always looking for to show up, to step in and take action, to protect you through creating a safe space.  This space gives your emotions, feelings and inner child, inner feminine a space to be safe.  In this safety you have the freedom to be, to express yourself, your truth- to feel to speak to be heard seen and validated.  You are given the space to open and let go, relax and find peace.  This continues to evolve into non-attachment.  That’s right, you are no longer attached to the story or the way others, adults in your life, showed up projecting and intimidating their issues on you.

You find a new sense of peace joy and happiness.  It is here you are free.

Your emotions hold the power to transform your life, are you ready.

Priestess of Passion

Where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life.

Monica Heiz


Creating Change


What are your old patterns, beliefs and stories telling to you?  If you want different results, you need to change your operating system, your system of beliefs, patterns and stories that are repeating, you know, running the same program.  This takes patience, focus, vulnerability, and your attention. It takes your willingness, desire and inner knowing that you can have different results.  What I always find interesting, a bit silly even, is how when we want different results we continue to ask people about the results we want and they stick to the story, old pattern and belief, perpetuating the cycle and keeping you believing it’s far off in dream land.

So what do you do?  You can hear what they are saying and chose to listen as an observer, why do they believe it’s not possible, or far off, what do they know, have they tried it, are they willing to go the distance? The Best is finding, searching and connecting with people who are doing what you want~ getting the results you want. Then do whatever it takes to learn and be a part of their lifestyles.  That means your old patterns, beliefs and stories keeping you stuck will be challenge, pushing  you to create change.  You can’t do the same thing you were doing and expect to get different results, which means…you guessed it, you’ll need to start creating new patterns & beliefs.  This also means you’ll be investing your resources in a new way~ your money, time & energy.  To get the results you want, you’ll spend your time, money and energy different.

My suggestion is seek out a coach/mentor.  Someone who has the skills, talent and experience to move you.  I mean move your actions, move your mind, your spirit and your body~ all 3 into the direction of your dream, your outcome.  It’s the outdated model that wants to “help” people an only looks at the “problem”, what you’re not achieving.  In this new model, coaches/mentors are looking at what you want, your results, desires and dreams and reprogramming your operating system~ your beliefs, actions and patterns that brought you to where you are, to bring you to where you want to be.

Everything can change. Music to my ears, I love change.  The key is to first, know it can change~ no matter the circumstances, then to find people who can make your change happen. And shatter, crash, break the old operating system, get down and dirty with it.  You’ll feel so good, so refreshed, so alive and have a new perspective on life~ fresh energy to create your dreams.

So what are you waiting for?  Change happens as we make a new decision, Now.  Think and act. It’s your life, you have the power.

Change create it, or it’ll roll you over.