Follow the Yellow Brick Road

Fulfillment, a force so powerful bringing pleasure, joy, beauty and grace that can only be experienced from within. Luxury so exotic and unique in self expression, passion and personal power.

When it comes to luxuries we all enjoy the experience of the finer things life has to offer. The joy of succeeding, generosity and feeling freedom naturally flow through you with passion. Yet, sometimes you feel a deep desire, a feeling that you just can’t place your attention on how to fulfill.  This desire is like an aching need, feeling as if nothing in the world can fulfill it. This pure, deep desire is the most intimate part of yourself, it’s found within you.  Being so full of yourself from the inside, by letting go of attachments, releasing criticism, judgment and  insecurities sweeps you off your feet.  It’s the presence of this space within, the world around you stands still, calm, serenity and peace wash over you. Fulfillment, a force so powerful bringing pleasure, joy, beauty and grace that can only be experienced from within.  Luxury so exotic and unique in self expression, passion and personal power.

The journey to fulfillment begins within you.

Here are some action steps towards greater fulfillment in your life:

Be true to yourself. Set healthy boundaries that are true to who you are, say no when you mean no, yes when you mean yes. Clean up and get rid of everything that no longer brings you joy or nourishes your life. Take up activities you have always wanted to do, allow yourself to feel so free in your self expression through art, cooking, gardening or music. Indulge your senses in beauty and delicacy through taste, smell, feel, sound and sight.

Focus on what you really want in your own intimate space.  Take time to slow yourself down within your mind and body. Your outer world needs your inner world to slow down, stop the chatter and feel the stillness. This means intimate personal space is a must.  Taking time daily for yourself by meditation, journaling, walking in nature or baths, will allow you to cultivate a relationship with your intimate self, your inner desires. Allow for clearing your head of the negative, self-sabotaging beliefs, the judgments and comparisons.  Listen to the voice within, feeling into gratitude, love and compassion.

Take up a personal practice of your values. What qualities do you value most? A few examples of values are~ integrity, community, truth, trust, success  Act within your life in accordance to the values most important to you. Everything you do is in alignment with your personal values. Begin your day clear on your values and with precision act through them in all of your interactions, relationships and transactions.

Own it. Let your wealth from within be the true riches. If everything in your world was gone tomorrow, know your inner riches never leave you.  Own your true wealth from within, through kindness, humility, authenticity, generosity, loving, sharing, giving and receiving, courageous, and reaching your limitless potential. Own the fullness of who you are.

The path to fulfillment is a journey, not a destination. It’s a consistent practice of the ebbs, flow and dance within life.  Illuminating the riches within.

Monica Heiz

The difference with Spirituality from Traditional Education

Creating and implementing Spirituality is very much like going to school and then applying what you’ve learned out in the everyday world. Where some people view Spirituality and everyday living, career, work, family, fitness, finances as separate, they are not.

Learning to understand Spirituality takes a practice, discipline and a process. The difference with Spirituality from traditional education is, Spirituality has you uncover, reveal and bring to light aspects of you, aspects of life and living which had been hidden from you, missing, actually moved from your path of growth. It’s an uncovering of personal truths, that feel good, add value to your life and bring to you love, abundance which in turn builds and creates success, happiness and fulfillment. Just as the tree, which can bear fruits of its labor, so too can you, when understanding this natural order.

Places in your life where you feel drained, depleted, stuck, stagnant, repeating cycles and patterns, unstable, these are ways Spirituality provides an influence, greater awareness and the tools and skills to repair, restore and rebalance you, your life and the world you live in.

Spirituality has a foundation in the natural order of things, growth, expansion, harvest. A birth, death, rebirth cycle that is the ebbs and flows of life.

What I find throws people off the track with Spirituality is not having a foundation to understand the principles, practices and how to apply them without creating disruption in one’s own life.

It requires Endings that with grace flow into New Beginnings.

So how does one go about implementing Spirituality without disrupting their life, work and foundation, while choosing to grow, expand and create the changes they desire?

I believe the first thing is understanding your own foundation, your strengths. Usually strengths revolve around career/work, fitness/health, home/family, relationship/ connection in community, things in your life that create stability. For me, my strength has revolved around health and fitness. Health and fitness has always provided me a stable ground to build on, trust in myself and settle in.

Spirituality involves your relationship and connection to yourself in many ways, from your inner child, masculine & feminine to the environment you find yourself in and the people you’re around.

Holding and understanding your foundation, which is the root chakra through the heart chakra, can remove alot of stress in your life over the struggle and contemplation of what to do next.

As you learn the ebbs and flows, cycles and the ending into new beginnings, you can navigate your life with greater ease. You can enjoy your beloved with deeper and greater love, and you can show up more powerfully and fully as the man or woman you desire to be.

You see with Spirituality, there is no reward, or something to earn. There is no achievement or need to look good or get. With Spirituality you have alignment, the place where your true destiny, your path coincides with the choices, actions, decision and, Trust & Faith you hold.

This give you, the essence of your truth and desires a place, a space to show up. You see, it’s not rewards, recognition, or achievement you truly desire. What you desire is the Truth of you, your desires and your path of excellence and contribution to be expressed to come into your life, to come alive through you.

Spirituality in the presence of practice brings this to you. It’s grounded in your truth and nourished and nurtured by your thoughts actions and beliefs. It comes to light, through the dark and unknown with the ability to apply your skills and tools, your practices to the aspects of you which have been buried, hidden and out of alignment. The ones as I mentioned, you struggle with.

In this you find, happiness, health, healing, vitality, prosperity, joy, pleasure, and all of the aspects of you, you believed were missing. You believed you needed to find or get outside of yourself or didn’t know how to grow and tend to.

Spirituality when implemented into your everyday life offers you this gift. This gift of transformation, of the fruits of your labor, from pain to pleasure, from sadness/despair to joy, from poor to wealth. To see the world through the lens of growth.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Non Attachment

It’s very simple to speak and say, well detach from it- hold no attachment, it’s another thing to actually be able to apply this skill set.

Non-attachment at its foundation holds you in faith, strength, courage and trust.  It’s a magical place to stand. What occurs in order to be in non- attachment is a power from within and without so strong, there is nothing to stand in your way of the desired outcome.

Now, for many people the idea of detaching, brings up the exact issue that creates the attachment. So for example, fear of money- has people afraid of letting go, releasing, give of money. Fear of safety and security has people holding onto things, homes, people, money because of the feelings and emotions that are associated with the idea of losing safety and security.

These are the real issues, programming and patterns to clear- to find a sense of peace, clarity and freedom.

So how does one go about doing this?

First, identify what the fear is?  I mean look at the fear- not judge it, or label it, just look at what brings up fear- loss of what?  Now once you have identified the fear, be present with it. No action required. No emotions required.  Go about your living, and begin to notice each time a thought, feeling, emotion or experience comes up and triggers this fear. Good.  All you are set to do here is identify it and observe as it comes up.

Now that you know what brings up the fear, you see the trigger. Be patient.  What often is a thorn in the side with non- attachment is the fighting, the grip, the will, and determination to change something to get out of the pain, chaos, trauma.  This holds a charge and power.  Patience is the salve to igniting the trigger.  With patience you can defuse the charge.  Stay in patience. Center, breath, and find stillness.  These are a new experience.  This begin to settle the ground beneath you, the one that shakes everytime the trigger blows up.

What your next step here is to look for what you want.  What experiences feelings emotions and outcomes do you want.  No- attachment, just what are they.  Then ask youself why these triggers affect you.  Why at this point in your life are you being triggered by something that occurred when you were a child and what truth do they hold now? What traumas were there, what chaos erupted, what pain, saddness, vicitimization and lack or scarcity did you see or were exposed to.

Here is where you my love must show up in your power.  If you saw witnessed or experienced a trauma, you most likely did everything you could to protect yourself and overcome it.  Settle in to this with me.  Look around you.  Do you have the love, security, safety, money, food and relationship (whether with yourself or a partner) you desire.  Did you create the environment now as an adult you needed to get yourself out of the situation or circumstance that held you in pain, chaos and trauma?

I bet you did.

So now, the body, your emotions are still running the program.  They are being triggered by the patterns that show up in your life.  See you did a great job remove and growing from the experience physically, yet emotionally those wounds must be released- non- attachment, for you to truly be free.

You’re essentially still holding the fear pattern within through your thoughts actions and behaviors.  Now, non-attachment will ask of you to step into courage, to be the adult, the responsible adult you were always looking for to show up, to step in and take action, to protect you through creating a safe space.  This space gives your emotions, feelings and inner child, inner feminine a space to be safe.  In this safety you have the freedom to be, to express yourself, your truth- to feel to speak to be heard seen and validated.  You are given the space to open and let go, relax and find peace.  This continues to evolve into non-attachment.  That’s right, you are no longer attached to the story or the way others, adults in your life, showed up projecting and intimidating their issues on you.

You find a new sense of peace joy and happiness.  It is here you are free.

Your emotions hold the power to transform your life, are you ready.

Priestess of Passion

Where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life.

Monica Heiz


Trust The true power you hold within


Trust is an interesting topic. I believe we’ve been taught, programmed and accepted that trust comes from outside of self, or even put into another power, a higher power.

Yet, there is so much beauty, Self Love and understanding of Self when one places trust in their own hands.

Here is how I understand trust.

It’s a relationship with yourself from your first, second and third chakras. First chakra relates to safety security and place of home. Second chakra relates to pleasure, joy, community, sense of belonging. It relates to your connection to the outer world through your senses. And, third chakra relates to personal power, your own sense of value and worth.

If your first and second chakras are in relationship to how we need each other in a way for survival, what does the model of needing each other look like for thriving? And if personal power is about self worth, how do you choose to show up valuing yourself.

Trust is a relationship you have with yourself. Your ability to know the ground beneath you, your foundation of safety and security, the way you provide for yourself, the way you honor yourself and the way you value and receive your joy and pleasure, this is based on your Self. The self of you that is unshakeable because of the faith and trust you have in who you are and your own personal intimate relationship with Source. Your connection to the ground below you and the sky above you. Ultimately the currency of Self Love, the currency of trust in Self and your Divine Beingness.

Trust holds the power within you. Trust speaks from your foundation of safety and security. You know you are safe, for your truth and your alignment, your integrity are in relationship with how you feel. Yes, how you feel about yourself.

That’s right, feeling. Do you have self love? Do you honor your word? Do you value yourself? Do you find no need to be right, to judge, to control or get anything? Your feelings of self control, a place of freedom, peace, pleasure and joy is the process through which trust comes through.

What I am saying is, when in the feelings, abundant with who you are, through self control, freedom, peace, pleasure and joy, you gain, you earn trust within yourself. And, these feelings become effortless and easy when you are in your truth. From your truth, you trust.

So this is different than trust outside of self. Trust outside of self looks to others, for others to help, for others to be held with some accountability or responsibility. Trust outside of self will find safe ways, things that have some sort of known, comfort or outside authority. Trust outside of self wants to have a proven system or plan, yet, that plan or system may not match your own inner light, being and self. Therefore, if this proven plan or system does not work for you, when in the community, group or tribe, it affects your Trust in self. It makes you wrong. It makes you wrong rather than looking at the perspective that You Are Not Trusting Yourself.

So what if today, you looked at all the ways you can trust yourself. All the ways you can listen to what makes you feel joy, pleasure, self control, freedom and peace. And look at all the things that you can question your own trust. Is it really your trust in yourself or are you choosing to trust a belief and idea outside of yourself.

There is a place to fit into community and to have safety and security. There is also a way to listen and feel from within your own truth, your own power, your light. And when you do, it opens the gates to the beauty and wealth, of Self Love and Currency of Divine Truth, your own inner knowing, where all things move through you.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Willingness. What Are You Willing to Do?

Willingness is the ability to say yes to yourself. It is the doorway to possibilities.

What do I mean?

In order to go after what it is you want, in order to create changes and change the course of your life, you are going to have to be willing. I don’t use those words often, “have to”. What I know for sure is, if what you are doing is not making you happy or going in the direction you want it to go in, you will have to change your course of action.

Let’s begin with your resources, your money, time and energy. You will need to, have a willingness to place your money, time and energy towards that which you want. Your willingness shows that you desire the changes. Willingness has no attachment. It is an energy that shows up as yes, this is what I want. Willingness speaks of your ability to let go, vulnerability and openness. This is the path to change.

So what are you willing to Do? Often when you get deep in the chaos turmoil, stuckness, or pain, getting out takes a greater commitment, a greater need to settle, create a plan and act, again a willingness to let go of the story and problem and find a solution, this is willingness.

Most people are held back by their inability to be willing, to have courage, to find faith to act from self trust. Think about this. Do you want to be like and considered most people, or do you believe in yourself that you are capable of making the changes necessary to have what you want.

This is a conscious choice, a decision made based on your own self confidence, no one can or will do it for you.

Willingness may go against everything you were taught and believe, and that is what courage is about. Standing up for what you believe in and speaking up. Courage is not tied to outer resources.

This is where most people lose their willingness. Once you begin to talk about money, time, or energy, people shut down, disconnect or turn off. Willingness flies out the window. Willingness, has no attachment, so once again, it opens the conversation to something new and it understands in this new, in a new direction it will take, money, time and energy.

What are you willing to Do? What is something new you are ready to step into that points you in the direction of your dreams, goals, vision and desires?

Creating changes can be challenging, we tend to be programmed pretty good as to what we believe is right or wrong, truth or not truth and what is important.

Willingness breaks through these barriers.

What changes are you looking to create in your life now?

Illuminatingthe riches within

Priestess of Passion

Monica Heiz



Commitment and the Power in Finding Your Passion

Commitment, the path home

What does commitment mean to you? Does it mean sticking to your goals and plans no matter what? As challenging and difficult as things may look, staying the course to follow through, even though you don’t know how it ends? Or does it mean, finding a different route a different path to get to your end goal?

The truth is who’s path are you following?

There comes a point in your life, when you understand what your commitments look like. I mean what holds the most meaning to you. The depth of the passion in your soul and the fire in your heart to blaze your way towards your desires. Desires, passion, fire- they are all the source needed, necessary, non-negotiable, in going after your desires. So where did or do you sell out?

Where do you stick to the plan others told you to take to get there?

Where do you stay safe in the commitments you made, which have little to do with the true desire, fire and passion of the commitments that hold meaning to you?

Commitments are an unspoken word, an agreement and arrangement with the Universe. It’s a channel a source and path that resources and currency flow through. If you are challenged by your time, energy or money- your commitments are out of alignment with your true desires, your truth and plan. The plan that is in the message of your heart. When you stop and look at what brings you passion, are you doing that? Are you creating relationships, work, successes that fuel and embrace your passion? No?

Then, your commitments are off target.

You see, we are all born with the gift to embrace, enjoy and live our passions. It’s up to you to uncover, expose and explore your passions, even if the ideas seem crazy and outside the box. Finding the truth of your commitments comes from a deep passionate love affair with how your resources are being spent, outgoing. If you followed the path laid out for you, if you succumbed to the idea that having these things would make you happy and commit to this lifestyle and you’re missing happiness and pleasure, depleting your joy, time, energy and money, then you are not on your truest path.

Take a sigh of relief. Now you know. Now you know your happiness had been committed to the ideas and version of life other people told you would give you something or make you happy.

Now, to re-establish your commitments on your own terms. This will look completely crazy and illogical. You’ll show up, embracing places, activities, people and things- activities that will cost you- money, people, relationships and most importantly- the old stuck and stagnant lifestyle you had been living. You will decide that your passion, your deepest desires on your own terms brings you greater freedom and joy than you could have ever imagined. And that is exactly what you have been seeking. Greater freedom and joy. A level of self expression that asks for nothing in return and is grounded and rooted in deep satisfaction in self.

Now re-routing, staying on your path, re-committing to your passion, is exactly what you are asked to do.

Are you up for it? Are you up for connecting so deeply and passionately with yourself that you step into the fears that leave you shaking at your knees and heart pounding?

I know you can do it. I’ve been there. It’s a conscious choice. It holds you powerful. It hold you in command of your life. It speaks to the Universe, Yes. Yes I am ready for the good in my life that I desire. The way I choose to live and embrace living.

It releases, removes and discords all the past programming that held you in the false happiness, ideas and beliefs others thrusted at you, manipulated you into, and pushed on you- even if it was in a loving kind way.

This is your time. You hold the power, your efforts are clear and solid. Now it’s up to you to follow your path, trust in your journey and step forward. There is a whole world waiting for you based on your own passion.

If you’re ready for your journey back home, to your true passion, connect with me at or click on Priestess of Passion to begin your Journey today

With love

Priestess of Passion

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

The Pathway to Flow

Surrender, Allow, Receive


There is a pathway, a process flow moves through.  Often when there are blocks in the way, blocks such as limiting beliefs, faulty habits and patterns, and blocks that are negative self talk, this pathway becomes stuck, stagnant and empty.

It is here, often people try to fill this void, this stuckness with things, relationships and other toxic actions, unaware how to step into surrender, allow, receive in order to have the flow moving again.

I want to break this down into simplicity, and yet fully aware of the magnitude these thoughts and actions are, for they ask you to step outside your comfort zone.

So if you have thoughts, actions and beliefs that weigh you down, that feel heavy, these are creating blocks, interfering with your growth, development and flow. In order to move, to grow, shake off the limitations, you must take a new action, create new thoughts and beliefs.  You must remove the old in order to clear space, create and receive the new.

So, here is where surrender, allow, receive come in.  While you recognize the limitations, you take a new action.  In this new action, entering the unknown, you build courage, strength and develop trust and faith. This is laying the pathway to the new.  Consider it laying a new foundation or digging out a channel that’s been backed up.  Once you have developed the new habits, patterns and beliefs, and taken actions, there will be a bridge to cross.  This is the threshold into the new. This is through your courage and commitment to move forward. It is here, as you cross this threshold, the work is complete, you must lay down your actions, your movement, and surrender your will to the bigger vision. To the vision you are going towards.  This surrender is peaceful, authentic and truly a gift from the Universe for you to be seen, heard and validated. As you accept surrender, you allow.  Allow is a beautiful practice of clarity, clear on what you want to receive and clear of what is not acceptable, as you hold strong, discerning boundaries. Allowing only that which is in direct alignment with your desires, growth and new.  This sets the ground, and foundation to receive- a nest to receive that which you desire, the new. And to receive what you desire becomes simple and effortless.  It comes in in the most miraculous ways.


Be strong.  Be powerful.  Trust in your desires and take action.

It is up to you to cultivate a relationship with trust, faith, surrender, allow and receive.

You’ve got this!


Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Busting Open the Beliefs of Yoga. Connecting to your true Source of Personal Power

The depth of connection we have through our bodies is profound, penetrating through ever aspect of how we choose to live and in every thought, action, movement and feeling. 

inner compass 2

Let’s bust open some myths or outdated beliefs here, about the practice of yoga. Practice, is a series of actions, disciplines that create shifts, and gives you a formula for growth and development. Where yoga has an exceptional plan for focus and discipline in practice, it’s method of connecting one’s spirit to it’s own innate inner knowing, which includes opening channels that connect the ground below and the heavens above is archaic, built on a philosophy that held others in power and control.

There is another way. It is the way of the Priestess

From a time when women, with her beautiful ability to surrender, receive and allow had access to Divine Wisdom for the prosperity and abundance of all. Before the darkness. When the light was a representation of individuality, fertility, expansion, and all the joys and pleasure this connection brought to the people. There was no one leader. There was no one to follow. What transpired was the unique self expression of people through play, arts, creativity, music, sex, dance, food from the land and community connection.

Yoga, in it’s actions, closes off the channel. As a woman leader, one of the Priestess with a Divine Channel, my energy and ability to connect, like my sisters, is my greatest asset. This ability to connect my energy source to the earth below and the heaven above flows through the Divine Channel that opens with my pubic bone tilted and held forward, my coccyx bone tilted back and sits bones extended left to right. This Diamond shape, is the channel and connection that allows for a free flowing source energy to move through me. It is a place of personal power.

What this relationship creates within the body is extraordinary. It holds the lumbar spine, the lower back in a neutral position which is an arch. This arch, the design is for the connection of spiritual energy, rich, fertile, creative, and self expressive to move through this channel. It is the spirit in action. It is YOU. It is how you create and express your unique self in this world.

The current model and teachings of yoga, has not acknowledged nor chooses to recognize this essential action step in opening the channel which connects one’s spirit to their inner knowing.

Yoga, in it’s practice and philosophy teaches to tuck the tailbone- which is a submissive position. It creates a domination. It has someone’s own sense of personal safety and security look toward outward teaching. And looking in at the naval or solar plexus, has someone giving up their power to something or someone other than themselves.

Let’s put this in perspective with the true Natural order of the Divine, the animal Kingdom which thrives through a food chain model. A jaguar does not tuck it’s tailbone. She stands strong in her center, present. The curves of her svelte body the epitome of strength and beauty. When this majestic beauty decides it’s time to take action and look at the world around her, she sits looking out, observing with clarity on her next steps, which are divinely guided by her intuition. In situations where she finds herself in trouble, after the experience, she shakes herself off. She is clear on her power. And, no where does she give it away.

The exquisite nature of our senses are to experience the richness and fullness of life. Sights, sounds, feel, touch, smells all bring greater joy and evoke the feeling of pleasure. If you are not experiencing pleasure, the opposite is pain, or no feeling connection apathy. Neither one produces a positive Flow state. It’s easy to become stuck and stagnant here.

Yoga has a philosophy to turn off your senses, not be attached to the feelings. My feelings as a Divine Being are a gift from Heaven and my compass- the compass of my heart, spirit and passion, which drive and move me forward. And, isn’t that the same thing they teach about Law of Attraction, get into the feelings? My senses are a map, directing me in the direction to go. With each piece of pleasure I receive through sight, sound, touch, feel and smell, the experience of it, I find peace, joy and happiness. I open, I connect, I feel and I love. I FLOW. I receive, I open, I give and I celebrate the richness that moves through my life.

This is the path, the channel and source of the 2nd chakra flow~ sensuality, joy and pleasure. Your deepest connection to pleasure. Sure their are false pleasures to get you out of pain, and that is for you to reconcile. Money, sex, food all travel through the 2nd chakra. These 3 connect us to the physical and a sense of true safety and security. When we get into right relationships with our flow, our Selves, they flow freely. Opening your channel, connecting to your inner knowing, reclaims your personal power, and sense of identity that only you can have, it is your unique genius through your senses, feelings, thoughts and emotions, which comes from a high vibe state of pleasure and feeling, individual to you. Your blueprint, your identity.

Money, Food, Sex. These are the areas people and society have a hard time identifying themselves, your own personal power, your own blueprint, your own identity without a group, tribal or other people’s beliefs, ideas, judgments and philosophies. Taking a stand for your own personal philosophy. Just as I choose to do here. Without your own identity and personal power, what do you think happens? You give it away to others. You give it to others and you receive what they give, their ideas, beliefs and philosophies. The energy of the 2nd chakra is giving and receiving and creative or destructive. What do you think happens when the channel and flow is closed? Pain or apathy sets in. What do you think happens when you don’t have a sense of identity or feeling of personal power? You feel weak, vulnerable, unworthy. Do you think the Jaguar ever feels that way or gives her power away.

The depth of connection we have through our bodies is profound, penetrating through ever aspect of how we choose to live and in every thought, action, movement and feeling.

Make no mistake the practice of yoga has helped me, as a guide and a tool, a practice of focus and discipline, where like the jaguar I thrive in the environment. I took matters into my own hands. I consistently apply my own philosophy, inner wisdom, strength and personal power. I consistently trust my inner knowing, I choose to act from a place of power with my intimate intelligent inner wisdom as a Priestess.

This is the way we create change.

We allow, we give way to each person to connect into their own inner wisdom. We guide lead, model and teach how to keep this flow, this connection through the 2nd chakra of sensuality and the significant values of personal power exemplified by the jaguar.

This is they way of the Priestess

If you are ready to access more of your Divine Gifts, to step into a clear channel for your personal power and passion to flow, connect with me at or visit my website at

There’s a program designed exclusively for you, where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life

Photographer reserves all rights

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

New Growth; Investment in your resources


Invest in Your Growth ~ Body Mind Spirit

Growth. The ability to support something in development, a natural process.  We all have the ability to grow and change, develop.  It’s a choice. It requires an investment in your resources, time, energy and money. You may say, “I want to lose weight”, or “I want to get a new job”, the truth is, if you are not choosing to invest your resources, into making it happen, you’re not showing up for yourself, your growth and development to the next stage of your life.

Money, by itself is energy, a tool.   It’s used to invest in goods and services and create change.  You could decide you don’t want to “spend” money on a weight loss program, a gym membership, learning new skills, or a headhunter.  The flip side to that is you really don’t want to “invest” in yourself to lose weight or get a new job.

The Truth is, The greatest Investment you can make, is in Yourself, Body, Mind, Spirit

When you decide, having the body you want, having a job you love is more important than “not spending money”, you remove your limitations, your obstacles and choose from a place of self worth, a place where your vision and your goal is set in motion, and you invest in moving forward.

A decision and action are necessary for you to achieve the results you want.  A decision and action demand a different course. Once again, that requires change, an openness, a willingness and a positive belief in yourself to achieve the goals you desire. You plant the seeds and nourish them with your time, energy and money.

So let’s be real here.  Fear, projects limits. Fear see’s things one way. Fear closes you off to investment in yourself. You can see fear around you in the ways you stop yourself, the way you negotiate and the way you perpetuate cycles of lack and limitation.

Investments on the other hand, asks you to stop, check in.  Investments asks you to find peace, clarity, trust and belief in your vision, yourself, and the present moment.  Sure, their will be people who don’t understand your vision, or your desires. They’ll talk negative about it, put you down, and have a way to squash your vision. And that, my love, has nothing to do with you.  That is their view point of the world, their own journey through self doubt and their own projected fear.

When you recognize, investing and putting money, time and energy towards those things you hold near and dear to you, things that matter and that which you desire, you change your perspective, you open the flow to everything that supports you, to have ~.  You must listen. Listen to that which is like in words, thoughts and actions. Free of judgments, free of shame, blame and guilt.  Free.  Free in feeling, free in energy and free in being.

Free to be exactly as is.

Find your voice.

Follow your joy, your passion.

Trust your vision.

Invest your resources, your gifts, your heart energy into those that will move you forward.  It may not be those who have what you want.  It will be those who understand you are empowered to your desires and goals, those who understand the power you have over your vision. And those who believe in the beauty of investing in body mind and spirit.

Growth happens when you give more power to yourself.   Your visions, while taking right actions for those visions to grow, and manifest. Investment time, money, energy ~ body, mind, spirit

Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Deep Connection to Your Self and Your Place in the World~ Emotional Strength



Emotional Strength, like any other strength, comes through flexing your emotional muscles.  Facing challenges that seem insurmountable. As a whole, society has been vague at best when it comes to facing our emotions, and the benefits of rising to the occasion of emotional challenges.  Yet, emotions hold the key to your choices, decisions and actions. How you feel, directly connects to what you decide and choose to do. Gaining emotional strength requires facing fears, insecurities and past programming which has held you stuck, held you in uncomfortable feelings and emotions. It’s only when you decide to take up a training program in emotional strength, that you really shed the unwanted pains, traumas, limits, negativity and burdens you carry, the ones that weigh you down.

And the truth is, you wear your emotional scars within your physical body. The negative patterns, beliefs and limitations show up in your attitude, actions and the way you speak to yourself, your body, mind and spirit.

Emotions have held the responsibility of  been judged, being seen as too much, aggressive, uncontrollable, stoic and the list goes on.  The main issue I see, is society as a whole hasn’t been given tools and skills to learn to understand and train our emotions.  I’m not talking about boxing them in, stuffing them down, cutting them off.  I’m speaking about all of the addictions, habits, and coping mechanisms that people take on to suppress and not feel their feeling because they don’t know how.  A lack of a system to understand when you’re being triggered, having a skill set to recognize it, stay centered and present and feel your true feelings~ in all their discomfort.  Often times the true underlying root of the feeling stems from past experiences where you were emotionally scarred, left feeling unworthy, inadequate, unlovable, experienced distrust, made to feel less than, overall loss of power and weakened.  And you know, you know the true nature of expressing yourself and your emotions.

The journey to emotional strength begins by your willingness to face your challenges head on. Your willingness to trust your own power and your ability to choose courage over fear.

It’s wonderful to have a fitness program, strengthening your physical body, and you have learned through training, it provides a level of mental and emotional strength in the process. Having an emotional practice, gives way to strengthening your ability to respond to emotional challenges. Rather than falling into your pre-programming, or your old behaviors, an emotional strength training program provides you the tools and skills to react with patience, grace, focus, trust and most importantly, your truest source of power~ unwavering Faith and Trust in YOU.  You see, when you see a limiting pattern for what it is, when you have emotional strength, supported by courage, trust and truth, anything is possible. It’s that moment when you shift your world. All of those limits, untruths, negativity, pains and traumas disappear.

You always have a choice. It’s up to you. Do you want to be weighed down by your past emotional experiences or are you ready to face the challenges today and create a new, better future for you tomorrow.


Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion