The difference with Spirituality from Traditional Education

Creating and implementing Spirituality is very much like going to school and then applying what you’ve learned out in the everyday world. Where some people view Spirituality and everyday living, career, work, family, fitness, finances as separate, they are not.

Learning to understand Spirituality takes a practice, discipline and a process. The difference with Spirituality from traditional education is, Spirituality has you uncover, reveal and bring to light aspects of you, aspects of life and living which had been hidden from you, missing, actually moved from your path of growth. It’s an uncovering of personal truths, that feel good, add value to your life and bring to you love, abundance which in turn builds and creates success, happiness and fulfillment. Just as the tree, which can bear fruits of its labor, so too can you, when understanding this natural order.

Places in your life where you feel drained, depleted, stuck, stagnant, repeating cycles and patterns, unstable, these are ways Spirituality provides an influence, greater awareness and the tools and skills to repair, restore and rebalance you, your life and the world you live in.

Spirituality has a foundation in the natural order of things, growth, expansion, harvest. A birth, death, rebirth cycle that is the ebbs and flows of life.

What I find throws people off the track with Spirituality is not having a foundation to understand the principles, practices and how to apply them without creating disruption in one’s own life.

It requires Endings that with grace flow into New Beginnings.

So how does one go about implementing Spirituality without disrupting their life, work and foundation, while choosing to grow, expand and create the changes they desire?

I believe the first thing is understanding your own foundation, your strengths. Usually strengths revolve around career/work, fitness/health, home/family, relationship/ connection in community, things in your life that create stability. For me, my strength has revolved around health and fitness. Health and fitness has always provided me a stable ground to build on, trust in myself and settle in.

Spirituality involves your relationship and connection to yourself in many ways, from your inner child, masculine & feminine to the environment you find yourself in and the people you’re around.

Holding and understanding your foundation, which is the root chakra through the heart chakra, can remove alot of stress in your life over the struggle and contemplation of what to do next.

As you learn the ebbs and flows, cycles and the ending into new beginnings, you can navigate your life with greater ease. You can enjoy your beloved with deeper and greater love, and you can show up more powerfully and fully as the man or woman you desire to be.

You see with Spirituality, there is no reward, or something to earn. There is no achievement or need to look good or get. With Spirituality you have alignment, the place where your true destiny, your path coincides with the choices, actions, decision and, Trust & Faith you hold.

This give you, the essence of your truth and desires a place, a space to show up. You see, it’s not rewards, recognition, or achievement you truly desire. What you desire is the Truth of you, your desires and your path of excellence and contribution to be expressed to come into your life, to come alive through you.

Spirituality in the presence of practice brings this to you. It’s grounded in your truth and nourished and nurtured by your thoughts actions and beliefs. It comes to light, through the dark and unknown with the ability to apply your skills and tools, your practices to the aspects of you which have been buried, hidden and out of alignment. The ones as I mentioned, you struggle with.

In this you find, happiness, health, healing, vitality, prosperity, joy, pleasure, and all of the aspects of you, you believed were missing. You believed you needed to find or get outside of yourself or didn’t know how to grow and tend to.

Spirituality when implemented into your everyday life offers you this gift. This gift of transformation, of the fruits of your labor, from pain to pleasure, from sadness/despair to joy, from poor to wealth. To see the world through the lens of growth.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Owning your Identity

The power of your 2nd chakra, Owning your identity

The 2nd chakra represents either side of the spectrum, pain or pleasure. It is linked to lack and scarcity or abundance and prosperity. It represents your identity within the world and your relationship to the resources that nourish and nurture, money, food and sex.

It is often modeled, imprinted and developed based on your family systems, their beliefs habits and patterns.

Where lack and scarcity bring upon fear of unworthy, neediness, not enough, hiding, self judgment, hopeless, and a host negative feelings and emotions.

Abundance and prosperity brings with it clarity, focus, a sense of peace, trust and more than enough. It speaks of owning your own identity around your basic needs, money, food, sex.

These 2 sides of the spectrum are designed to have movement~ e-motion, energy in motion. Therefore when you are caught in the current, the flow of emotions you can see, feel and turn your emotions into a powerful transformer of circumstances. Where there was lack and scarcity, identify the relationship, the trigger, the point you feel and how you describe the feeling. From here, begin a process to redefine the feeling. Confront fears, the basis for holding negative feelings and emotions. Take actions that challenge you, scare you and trust, that transforms your feeling quick, it’s an accomplishment, and says yes I can and I do.

Abundance and prosperity is meant to be shared. It’s meant to flow, that’s the true nature of the 2nd chakra when healthy and balanced. You flow, your resources flow freely meaning no negative charge to hold them stuck and stagnant.

2nd chakra is how we relate to our emotions and feelings and how we can flow in the world, our resources and relationships. If you find you get a bit stuck or unsure, find trust, step forward, find pleasure and joy and act. Often the simplicity of giving gets you unstuck. Giving from a positive emotion, no attachment, this is what it means to give freely, non attachment.

Learning to navigate your 2nd chakra will give you a plan of action. It identifies your feelings and emotions and directs you, without attachment, to where to transform and shift your interaction and energy. Energy meaning thoughts, feelings and actions, your beliefs. Once again, often the beliefs were planted by family patterns. As you look, and see, as you decide you want a different outcome, feeling, belief you begin to feel and act from that place.

It begins with giving. With opening up your heart, with finding trust in yourself and freely giving with passion and self love.

It’s where you own your identity. Who you are in the world

It’s a beautiful chakra to have spinning and moving healthy and clear. Enjoy the process

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Trust The true power you hold within


Trust is an interesting topic. I believe we’ve been taught, programmed and accepted that trust comes from outside of self, or even put into another power, a higher power.

Yet, there is so much beauty, Self Love and understanding of Self when one places trust in their own hands.

Here is how I understand trust.

It’s a relationship with yourself from your first, second and third chakras. First chakra relates to safety security and place of home. Second chakra relates to pleasure, joy, community, sense of belonging. It relates to your connection to the outer world through your senses. And, third chakra relates to personal power, your own sense of value and worth.

If your first and second chakras are in relationship to how we need each other in a way for survival, what does the model of needing each other look like for thriving? And if personal power is about self worth, how do you choose to show up valuing yourself.

Trust is a relationship you have with yourself. Your ability to know the ground beneath you, your foundation of safety and security, the way you provide for yourself, the way you honor yourself and the way you value and receive your joy and pleasure, this is based on your Self. The self of you that is unshakeable because of the faith and trust you have in who you are and your own personal intimate relationship with Source. Your connection to the ground below you and the sky above you. Ultimately the currency of Self Love, the currency of trust in Self and your Divine Beingness.

Trust holds the power within you. Trust speaks from your foundation of safety and security. You know you are safe, for your truth and your alignment, your integrity are in relationship with how you feel. Yes, how you feel about yourself.

That’s right, feeling. Do you have self love? Do you honor your word? Do you value yourself? Do you find no need to be right, to judge, to control or get anything? Your feelings of self control, a place of freedom, peace, pleasure and joy is the process through which trust comes through.

What I am saying is, when in the feelings, abundant with who you are, through self control, freedom, peace, pleasure and joy, you gain, you earn trust within yourself. And, these feelings become effortless and easy when you are in your truth. From your truth, you trust.

So this is different than trust outside of self. Trust outside of self looks to others, for others to help, for others to be held with some accountability or responsibility. Trust outside of self will find safe ways, things that have some sort of known, comfort or outside authority. Trust outside of self wants to have a proven system or plan, yet, that plan or system may not match your own inner light, being and self. Therefore, if this proven plan or system does not work for you, when in the community, group or tribe, it affects your Trust in self. It makes you wrong. It makes you wrong rather than looking at the perspective that You Are Not Trusting Yourself.

So what if today, you looked at all the ways you can trust yourself. All the ways you can listen to what makes you feel joy, pleasure, self control, freedom and peace. And look at all the things that you can question your own trust. Is it really your trust in yourself or are you choosing to trust a belief and idea outside of yourself.

There is a place to fit into community and to have safety and security. There is also a way to listen and feel from within your own truth, your own power, your light. And when you do, it opens the gates to the beauty and wealth, of Self Love and Currency of Divine Truth, your own inner knowing, where all things move through you.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Finding Peace, Establishing your Personal Power and Bringing in Flow

Harmony, Resonance and Alignment

The body is made up of Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Bodies.  Each of these bodies contributes to your health and well being, your choices, thoughts, habits, actions and patterns.  Together they co- create.

Why is this important to know?

If you are looking to make or create changes, if you feel a sense of stuckness and stagnation it is required of you to begin identifying where these 4 bodies are out of harmony, resonance and alignment.


When you are thinking thoughts that are limiting in nature, unhealthy, not positive, they affect your feelings. Your feeling about yourself.  This is a message, a indication for you to shift your thoughts and feelings. How do you do this?  Rather than judging your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Stop. Listen to yourself.  Where did you learn this?  When or why did you begin to believe this about yourself?  This is a block, an obstacle. It’s pattern that is holding you back.  Now, I am not saying this is bad.  I am saying, now you have identified it, you can create a solution. Yes, you can decide to stop buying into, feeding on this pattern.  Buying into and feeding into are 2 ways you spend your resources keeping this pattern alive, perpetuating the cycle.

It becomes about making a conscious choice and decision to face this limiting belief, not from a place of resistance, rather a space of inquisitiveness. So, you turn on your compassion, your willingness and acceptance.  You choose to be kind to yourself, to find a sense of trust, and gratitude for seeing the pattern.

Now that you’ve identified the pattern,  and found a space to be kind with yourself, what do you do next?

You put a plan together.  A plan that has you saying what you want to experience.  A plan that speaks to the truth you feel you want to express- yes, express the real way you want to feel. Then, the best part, you take actions in alignment with how you want to feel.

Here’s an example:  If you have a conversation with someone who says things that don’t match how you feel about yourself and what you believe about yourself, and you know it- if it leaves you feeling not in your power, not in your truth, almost like they are “making you feel bad”, do not accept that. Do not allow someone to judge or create a belief about you that is not true for you.  You see, that is their problem. In order to feel powerful, they create conversation to make others feel powerless.  The key here, is they can not make you feel powerless.  It is your conscious choice and effort to put up a boundary- a boundary for your own emotional and mental health. You must, choose to shut it down, not agree and not allow that in.  In this, you hold your power. Your own personal power.  In this you put back the “feeling” or energy they wanted or expected you to feel, you place it back on them.

This is an action to hold your power. To accept your own self love, not giving anyone power over you, standing in your emotional and mental strength and courage.  You feel powerful, strong and courageous.

Another example: You want to love your body, all of it. Yet for some reason you continue to make choices and decisions that sabotage your efforts, neglecting going to the gym, poor food choices.  You look at yourself in the mirror and make judgments such as your old, your fat, your gray, you’ve got wrinkles. These judgments are all limitations toward what you really want which is to love your body and feel great. Now the first action you take is to stop, stop the judgments. The plan you make, write it out is commit to going to the gym or some form of exercise 3-5x’s per week. Commitment to begin, this may mean 30 minutes each time or a class, or a trainer. The first step in this is investment.  Investing of your time, money and energy towards the desired results and people around you who support you in this- for they are in alignment with the vision and goal you have. Clean healthy food.  As a priority, stop what you are doing, what you are in the middle of and set yourself up with the food you need.  This is a huge step in the process.  Once you show yourself, you prove to yourself you can do it, and it’s not hard, you have begun to unravel the pattern. You have broken the barrier that held this pattern in place.  Yes, taking these first actions take courage and trust in self, and this is exactly the way to transform the pattern and yourself.

You find harmony and resonance in your efforts and, it feels good! you’re proud of yourself, you feel successful, you feel empowered.  This is how you break free of the limiting patterns to create shifts, towards alignment, resonance and harmony.


I hope you enjoy this teaching and find power in the application of the skill sets.

You can reach me at or to learn more about my one on one programs and services

Where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life

Priestess of Passion





Monica Heiz