The value proposition of your intuition

Using your intuition requires self worth.  It requires you to place value on yourself greater and more powerful than titles, status, or money.

Listening to the messages of your intution can be a bit uncomfortable. You push up against limiting beliefs and ideas such as “you’re wrong, that’s not true, follow the program to be safe,” and the list goes on in ways you were taught to trust something outside of yourself. Listening to your intuition was shut down and you may have disconnected from it.

Now with this understanding, taking action to use your intuition will challenge you. You’ll learn to trust yourself, to listen and feel your own truth and inner wisdom. You’ll uncover deep pearls to connect and string together to move your life forward in miraculous ways.

How do I know?

Using your intuition requires self worth. It requires you to place value on yourself greater and more powerful than titles, status, or money.

To begin using your intuition let’s start by having you ask yourself questions and journal. Open to the answers you receive. They say prayer is asking and mediating is receiving, so here goes.

Here are questions to ask:

1. What do I need to know see or feel in this situation? What ever the situation is you want to move beyond. Write down the answers that come through you. Just allow them to flow- feelings, even if pain, injustice, or sorrow. Write out what comes through without attachment or judgement. This is important. You see, the reason you shut off your intuition was because of what you felt, knew or saw, which others disapproved of, discredited you for. In order to keep yourself safe and loved you gave up your intuition.

These are small steps. Write and allow.

As you allow, you open flow. Flow is the natural state of movement, abundance and exchange. Once you notice and have an awareness to the answers, with consistency give them space to show up and write the words feelings, actions and answers.

2. What is an action I can take, that holds myself powerful, accountable and able to commit to myself- my own worth, actually a new level of adultdhood?

A small actionable step. Be clear on how you are showing up, challenging yourself to grow. Clear that it pushes the status quo. Trust yourself. Trust your intuition. It is a process. A process where you may fall, and pick yourself up, and get stronger with each action. This is the beauty of true authentic intuition. The more practice the better you become and the greater you can introduce more of what you want into your life.

3. What do I need to let go of in order to create the change I want and what is it time to implement to gain the results I want?

Letting go may be a belief system, a way of acting, such as not holding a boundary or ignoring your eating habits. What you will need to implement is powerful, consistent, self trusting actions and habits. Again small actionable steps.

Once you have these questions asked and answers, pay attention, use focus and write your experiences. See and understand what is going on, as experiences which are limiting you and disrupting your flow. With each small action, with each one that creates the new, challenges the status quo, or your fears you open to flow- to your connection to your Highest Power, the Universe, Higher Self, Source- your own energetic imprint, your true identity.

This is Your Gift for you to share with the world. Your resources flow, play and move through here.

Illuminating the riches within,

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Career Women and Her True Power ⭐

Career Women have been put to the test. Stepping up when needed, being present when others are in need.

Playing roles of wife, mother, sister, daughter, friend, committee member, and the list goes on.

Add to that her own agenda to stay healthy and fit, feel and look sexy~ expressing her true identity and her own sense of self love.

Where does a woman go from here?

It becomes her negative self or critical self talk which has spiraled her down as opposed to up.

Women are designed to support each other through process. Through letting go, releasing and stepping into the new. This is the truth of a woman.

A woman’s True Power comes from this depth of her own identity, her self expression

As career women, recognize the way words, actions, feelings, behaviors and patterns ~ are either filling you up or draining you.

These are the 2 polarities. Masculine and Feminine

Negative self talk, critical self talk vs. self love and truth.


AND…. you have the right to be; seen heard valued appreciated loved successful worthy. You have the right to feel beautiful to look sexy to be too big too much too full of yourself. This requires a shift in perspective and owning your true power.

Now how do you implement, flow and embrace this way of experiencing your True Power?

You Trust.

You Allow.

You Give and You Receive.

You create all of this from a space of seeing yourself, all of you, and you look, listen, feel and touch a place~ deep within your soul, Your Spirit.

The parts of you which are sensual, joyful, playful, seductive, receptive, open and free.

It doesn’t happen overnight and neither did your career. It takes practice, vulnerability and trust in yourself like no other. The rewards it pays off are greater than you could imagine.

More intimacy, deeper connection with your significant other/lover, an ability to let things go, to release in a way that allows you to feel, without any attachment, no blame, judgement, shame, accountability or responsibility.

Your True Power as a Career Woman asks you to take off all of the hats, to put on your Crown and Lead as the Woman you are.

This is the beginning of something wonderful. Let your Light Shine from the Inside Out.

Illuminating the Riches Within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Owning your Identity

The power of your 2nd chakra, Owning your identity

The 2nd chakra represents either side of the spectrum, pain or pleasure. It is linked to lack and scarcity or abundance and prosperity. It represents your identity within the world and your relationship to the resources that nourish and nurture, money, food and sex.

It is often modeled, imprinted and developed based on your family systems, their beliefs habits and patterns.

Where lack and scarcity bring upon fear of unworthy, neediness, not enough, hiding, self judgment, hopeless, and a host negative feelings and emotions.

Abundance and prosperity brings with it clarity, focus, a sense of peace, trust and more than enough. It speaks of owning your own identity around your basic needs, money, food, sex.

These 2 sides of the spectrum are designed to have movement~ e-motion, energy in motion. Therefore when you are caught in the current, the flow of emotions you can see, feel and turn your emotions into a powerful transformer of circumstances. Where there was lack and scarcity, identify the relationship, the trigger, the point you feel and how you describe the feeling. From here, begin a process to redefine the feeling. Confront fears, the basis for holding negative feelings and emotions. Take actions that challenge you, scare you and trust, that transforms your feeling quick, it’s an accomplishment, and says yes I can and I do.

Abundance and prosperity is meant to be shared. It’s meant to flow, that’s the true nature of the 2nd chakra when healthy and balanced. You flow, your resources flow freely meaning no negative charge to hold them stuck and stagnant.

2nd chakra is how we relate to our emotions and feelings and how we can flow in the world, our resources and relationships. If you find you get a bit stuck or unsure, find trust, step forward, find pleasure and joy and act. Often the simplicity of giving gets you unstuck. Giving from a positive emotion, no attachment, this is what it means to give freely, non attachment.

Learning to navigate your 2nd chakra will give you a plan of action. It identifies your feelings and emotions and directs you, without attachment, to where to transform and shift your interaction and energy. Energy meaning thoughts, feelings and actions, your beliefs. Once again, often the beliefs were planted by family patterns. As you look, and see, as you decide you want a different outcome, feeling, belief you begin to feel and act from that place.

It begins with giving. With opening up your heart, with finding trust in yourself and freely giving with passion and self love.

It’s where you own your identity. Who you are in the world

It’s a beautiful chakra to have spinning and moving healthy and clear. Enjoy the process

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Trust The true power you hold within


Trust is an interesting topic. I believe we’ve been taught, programmed and accepted that trust comes from outside of self, or even put into another power, a higher power.

Yet, there is so much beauty, Self Love and understanding of Self when one places trust in their own hands.

Here is how I understand trust.

It’s a relationship with yourself from your first, second and third chakras. First chakra relates to safety security and place of home. Second chakra relates to pleasure, joy, community, sense of belonging. It relates to your connection to the outer world through your senses. And, third chakra relates to personal power, your own sense of value and worth.

If your first and second chakras are in relationship to how we need each other in a way for survival, what does the model of needing each other look like for thriving? And if personal power is about self worth, how do you choose to show up valuing yourself.

Trust is a relationship you have with yourself. Your ability to know the ground beneath you, your foundation of safety and security, the way you provide for yourself, the way you honor yourself and the way you value and receive your joy and pleasure, this is based on your Self. The self of you that is unshakeable because of the faith and trust you have in who you are and your own personal intimate relationship with Source. Your connection to the ground below you and the sky above you. Ultimately the currency of Self Love, the currency of trust in Self and your Divine Beingness.

Trust holds the power within you. Trust speaks from your foundation of safety and security. You know you are safe, for your truth and your alignment, your integrity are in relationship with how you feel. Yes, how you feel about yourself.

That’s right, feeling. Do you have self love? Do you honor your word? Do you value yourself? Do you find no need to be right, to judge, to control or get anything? Your feelings of self control, a place of freedom, peace, pleasure and joy is the process through which trust comes through.

What I am saying is, when in the feelings, abundant with who you are, through self control, freedom, peace, pleasure and joy, you gain, you earn trust within yourself. And, these feelings become effortless and easy when you are in your truth. From your truth, you trust.

So this is different than trust outside of self. Trust outside of self looks to others, for others to help, for others to be held with some accountability or responsibility. Trust outside of self will find safe ways, things that have some sort of known, comfort or outside authority. Trust outside of self wants to have a proven system or plan, yet, that plan or system may not match your own inner light, being and self. Therefore, if this proven plan or system does not work for you, when in the community, group or tribe, it affects your Trust in self. It makes you wrong. It makes you wrong rather than looking at the perspective that You Are Not Trusting Yourself.

So what if today, you looked at all the ways you can trust yourself. All the ways you can listen to what makes you feel joy, pleasure, self control, freedom and peace. And look at all the things that you can question your own trust. Is it really your trust in yourself or are you choosing to trust a belief and idea outside of yourself.

There is a place to fit into community and to have safety and security. There is also a way to listen and feel from within your own truth, your own power, your light. And when you do, it opens the gates to the beauty and wealth, of Self Love and Currency of Divine Truth, your own inner knowing, where all things move through you.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


The willingness to give and the power of receiving; without attachment

Giving and receiving

There is alot of ideas and beliefs about giving and receiving.

I am going to speak about my experience, coming from a place of personal truth and self trust. I call this space Your Heart.

So often we are programmed to receive what is given to us. We don’t always understand, we can choose to say no in a way that speaks from our own truth and personal power. It holds you responsible and accountable for what comes into your life, your energy field.

Maybe you’ve been taught to “be good, or just accept”, possibly to be a people pleaser. You go around receiving experiences, things, feelings, emotions and aspects of life that don’t feel like your truth. They just feel so off course for you, because they are.

Now, let’s get to giving. You enjoy giving, it makes you feel good. When you are asked to give for something that holds opportunity for you that you can’t see, you may back away, you don’t like it. How about giving someone a compliment that holds them beautiful, powerful, smart, successful. This often comes through you from a place of envy, jealousy or wonder. Can you completely give a compliment and walk away.

Can you give of anything and walk away?

Can you give without attachment to what comes back? And, can you give to someone without receiving from them?

Here is what I have to share. Just because you give something to someone, whether it be a compliment, money, time, skills, does not mean you must receive back through them, especially if, what they are giving is not in alignment with what makes you feel good.

So, you ask, how do I not receive from them if I’ve given them money for services? You stepped forward in faith and trust of yourself, in belief of yourself. This is you giving, giving to you- to trust. It is their responsibility to show up as they are. If they are in alignment with their message and offering, it will be a clean clear transaction. Your receiving will be of equal or greater value than your giving.

Now, receiving. As you figure out, choose and decide what you want, it is your responsibility to align your receiving muscles with this and that means saying no, or not allowing that which you don’t want. There will be certain opportunities for you to say yes, as you go, to build along the way. Saying yes to certain experiences, programs, and changes is a stepping stone and allows the Universe to know you are serious and committed to your desired outcome, what you want to receive. It also give you, that’s right gives you the opportunity to experience the changes you want, by starting. Giving yourself the chance to step in without attachment, just opportunity.

Receiving you choose. What becomes so grand about receiving, when you grasp it, you can let go, detach and remove yourself from people, places, even income that is coming in, being received from a place of expectation, expectation from the giver of who you are supposed to be or they need you to be. This in itself frees you in ways that hold you in your brilliance.

It speaks from the heart of who you are.

What you receive, the energy behind someone’s giving is just as important, why they are choosing to give. What is it they need or believe they get from giving?

The point being, hold your power. Give what you have, to give freely- which means no expectation. There is a cost, a price a value on your giving, just no attachment. The significance is always energy and energy from a feeling place. As you build and create these relationships, you feel and appreciate how powerful you are. Powerful because you had nothing to give or receive, what you had was an opportunity and experience to share in mutual value and respect from a place of Your Heart, Self Love.

Receiving. Listen to the person. Are they giving what they think you need or you want to have, or do they truly want you to receive through their heart, their passion. A gift.

Learning to navigate and understand this flow is a beautiful and sometimes messy process.

The outcome is magical. It becomes a true expression of your Self. The whole of you, your inner light of Love, Cherished and Honored.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Being a woman, Business Owner, Fitness Athlete and living the lifestyle I choose

Being a woman as a business owner, an athlete and taking care of my own health and well being is intriguing to some.  I find understanding my work as a business, being in business is no different than anyone else.  I hold a great deal of discipline focus and passion for my work, just like my workouts.  I found a way to maximize my workouts, eat smart and clean and have a business and work I love.

Why am I deciding to share this?

How many of you have a career you love?  How many of you are in a business that you find joy, success and pleasure? How many of you can go to the gym ready? Ready to get your workout in, focused, strong and committed.  How many of you go to the gym, eat clean AND get the results you are looking for?

I DO.  So in this case what makes me special?  I understand and have built success in my fitness and nutrition for over 20 years, because it’s the foundation I chose to build.  I love my workouts, because I know how to stimulate my mind and my body from a point of excitement and success.

I created this.  That’s right.  I created a business and career I love, a fitness, nutrition and body I love and I choose to be around people, community, friends and clients that appreciate and value the same things.

I created the communities by investing in myself.  Finding the right avenues to spend my time, energy and money.  From Fitness Centers, Coaching Programs, Lifestyle Events and relationships.

I’m opening up about this because it’s who I choose to be.  I choose to live life on my terms. I choose to excite myself with passion joy and pleasure. And, passion, joy and pleasure comes through the way I spend my time and energy.  And so does yours.


I maximize my joy, passion and pleasure.  With focus and discipline, I set aim on a target, that feels right for me.  Something that offers me growth and development, and inspires me.  You see, I know, my spirit loves to feel and be inspired- it fuels me and moves me to action.  Action being the catalyst for change growth and new.  You must be willing to take actions to have changes.  I mean you can not be doing the same thing and expect different results.  For me, since my work is creating changes, transformation, taking the lead, charging forward is my normal.  I throw myself into the fire of change.  I look around for my next step to leap.  I take action in alignment with my goals and I am not afraid to invest in myself. In fact, I love it.

If you want to know one of the secrets for my energy, my body, workouts and business, it’s change.  My desire to grow, to learn, to take actions that offer me opportunity to be fresh, inspired and in my joy.  This is my gift. My gift to cultivate my radiant, vibrant energy and generate success in life and with my clients.

Being an athlete is my heart and soul.  I love the ability to express myself through the stage and movement.  I just connect so profoundly to challenging myself body mind and spirit which comes through effortlessly as I train.  Effortlessly in the sense of I bring on the work as a way to practice excellence, consistent and dedication.

What are you ready to change?  What are you ready to have greater passion, joy, pleasure, commitment and discipline with?  These are all areas my work, my business teaches you and creates a plan that matches your lifestyle. It becomes an investment to move you where you want to be. And, it becomes up to you.  Just like me.


I set it up this way.  I set up having the career, business, body, and lifestyle I want to have.


Are you ready?


Connect with me at if you are ready to put together a lifestyle plan that works, for you.  A plan that speaks to your goals as a woman or man and comes from a place that frees your time and energy, while building a better body, greater success in your business or just simplifying your relationships to meet your expectations.


Illuminating the riches within

Priestess of Passion ~ where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life

Monica Heiz

Power ~ your resource, and how to own your power

Power comes through your ability to hold good boundaries and take actions that are intended to challenge you to grow, to step into something that will encourage and foster growth in you.

How do you go about it? I mean how do you own your power?

First, get clear on what is acceptable to you.  What do you want and need. Claim that.  There is no negotiating this, it is your truth. Stay true to your path. Stay committed to what it is you desire.  Sure there will be others who try and pull you off your path, or discourage you from being on your path.  This requires your mental and emotional strength.  Your own version of how you choose to live.

This is new to many.  To trust, know and believe you can live life on your own terms. That you can create a life that holds meaning and power for you.

If you know you want greater health, then it is up to you to drop the excuses and begin taking actions towards your health vision.  Create a plan, put in activities and lifestyle habits for you to be doing. This take practice, it takes patience and a dedication to yourself, a commitment to yourself.

Small actionable step.  It begins with a choice, putting your resources towards your vision, and no matter what, showing up.  Your power, your light, your energy.  Showing up, turning on.  Your joy, your passion, your gifts.

Your power is Your belief in yourself. It is your self expression, your trust and your truth.

Understand anyone can claim power with the idea of having more, or what they choose to give.  True power comes through confidence, belief in self and a desire to take actions towards your vision, and goals.

So how do you begin to take actions from your source of power?

Listen to the messages within.  Trust in your intuition.  Initially it may seem a bit off, crazy or big, yet as you choose to trust yourself, listen and step forward anyway, inspired by your passion- things begin to change for you.

This is the true nature of power.  Your power.  How does that sound.

Now as I mentioned, others will have a difficult time with your shift, your changes.  This is no time to back down or give up your power.  All the opposite. It is the time you take a stand, rooted and grounded in yourself, your truth. When the world begins to spin, when things begin to move- ground, root, find a sense of center with strength and trust.  Trust in the actions you have taken, and in the direction you are going.  This requires you to let go of the words, ideas, beliefs and problems of others.  This requires you to hold your boundaries, with conviction of what you are unwilling to accept and what you are willing to accept. There is no struggle in this. Clear definitive boundary to hold you powerful. Not powerful over others, powerful in your domain. This is what is essential.  The recognition of power for your own use, in your own space.

When others have issues with your boundaries- stay centered. Be present. Trust you are protecting your resources, your home, your house. It is your alarm system, someone is going towards or into your energy through words, actions, comments, neediness or manipulations that are inappropriate or not acceptable to you. Your boundary is not from a place of attack. It is in place from a place of love- self love. It says I am not willing to accept that here in my space.  It does not make someone wrong- it holds your energy, your power.


You see, the true power you have is greater than you believe or even imagine.  Your Power is a source that flows through you for your highest good and to help you grow and navigate challenges.


If you are reading this, and you are ready to access more of your power through learning skills, and tools to hold you powerful connect with me at or Priestess of Passion to register for a private program

Let me lead you on the path to greater joy, happiness, fulfillment through personal power and true passion


Illuminating the riches within






Priestess of Passion

Monica Heiz

Commitment and the Power in Finding Your Passion

Commitment, the path home

What does commitment mean to you? Does it mean sticking to your goals and plans no matter what? As challenging and difficult as things may look, staying the course to follow through, even though you don’t know how it ends? Or does it mean, finding a different route a different path to get to your end goal?

The truth is who’s path are you following?

There comes a point in your life, when you understand what your commitments look like. I mean what holds the most meaning to you. The depth of the passion in your soul and the fire in your heart to blaze your way towards your desires. Desires, passion, fire- they are all the source needed, necessary, non-negotiable, in going after your desires. So where did or do you sell out?

Where do you stick to the plan others told you to take to get there?

Where do you stay safe in the commitments you made, which have little to do with the true desire, fire and passion of the commitments that hold meaning to you?

Commitments are an unspoken word, an agreement and arrangement with the Universe. It’s a channel a source and path that resources and currency flow through. If you are challenged by your time, energy or money- your commitments are out of alignment with your true desires, your truth and plan. The plan that is in the message of your heart. When you stop and look at what brings you passion, are you doing that? Are you creating relationships, work, successes that fuel and embrace your passion? No?

Then, your commitments are off target.

You see, we are all born with the gift to embrace, enjoy and live our passions. It’s up to you to uncover, expose and explore your passions, even if the ideas seem crazy and outside the box. Finding the truth of your commitments comes from a deep passionate love affair with how your resources are being spent, outgoing. If you followed the path laid out for you, if you succumbed to the idea that having these things would make you happy and commit to this lifestyle and you’re missing happiness and pleasure, depleting your joy, time, energy and money, then you are not on your truest path.

Take a sigh of relief. Now you know. Now you know your happiness had been committed to the ideas and version of life other people told you would give you something or make you happy.

Now, to re-establish your commitments on your own terms. This will look completely crazy and illogical. You’ll show up, embracing places, activities, people and things- activities that will cost you- money, people, relationships and most importantly- the old stuck and stagnant lifestyle you had been living. You will decide that your passion, your deepest desires on your own terms brings you greater freedom and joy than you could have ever imagined. And that is exactly what you have been seeking. Greater freedom and joy. A level of self expression that asks for nothing in return and is grounded and rooted in deep satisfaction in self.

Now re-routing, staying on your path, re-committing to your passion, is exactly what you are asked to do.

Are you up for it? Are you up for connecting so deeply and passionately with yourself that you step into the fears that leave you shaking at your knees and heart pounding?

I know you can do it. I’ve been there. It’s a conscious choice. It holds you powerful. It hold you in command of your life. It speaks to the Universe, Yes. Yes I am ready for the good in my life that I desire. The way I choose to live and embrace living.

It releases, removes and discords all the past programming that held you in the false happiness, ideas and beliefs others thrusted at you, manipulated you into, and pushed on you- even if it was in a loving kind way.

This is your time. You hold the power, your efforts are clear and solid. Now it’s up to you to follow your path, trust in your journey and step forward. There is a whole world waiting for you based on your own passion.

If you’re ready for your journey back home, to your true passion, connect with me at or click on Priestess of Passion to begin your Journey today

With love

Priestess of Passion

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Finding Peace, Establishing your Personal Power and Bringing in Flow

Harmony, Resonance and Alignment

The body is made up of Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Bodies.  Each of these bodies contributes to your health and well being, your choices, thoughts, habits, actions and patterns.  Together they co- create.

Why is this important to know?

If you are looking to make or create changes, if you feel a sense of stuckness and stagnation it is required of you to begin identifying where these 4 bodies are out of harmony, resonance and alignment.


When you are thinking thoughts that are limiting in nature, unhealthy, not positive, they affect your feelings. Your feeling about yourself.  This is a message, a indication for you to shift your thoughts and feelings. How do you do this?  Rather than judging your thoughts, feelings and emotions. Stop. Listen to yourself.  Where did you learn this?  When or why did you begin to believe this about yourself?  This is a block, an obstacle. It’s pattern that is holding you back.  Now, I am not saying this is bad.  I am saying, now you have identified it, you can create a solution. Yes, you can decide to stop buying into, feeding on this pattern.  Buying into and feeding into are 2 ways you spend your resources keeping this pattern alive, perpetuating the cycle.

It becomes about making a conscious choice and decision to face this limiting belief, not from a place of resistance, rather a space of inquisitiveness. So, you turn on your compassion, your willingness and acceptance.  You choose to be kind to yourself, to find a sense of trust, and gratitude for seeing the pattern.

Now that you’ve identified the pattern,  and found a space to be kind with yourself, what do you do next?

You put a plan together.  A plan that has you saying what you want to experience.  A plan that speaks to the truth you feel you want to express- yes, express the real way you want to feel. Then, the best part, you take actions in alignment with how you want to feel.

Here’s an example:  If you have a conversation with someone who says things that don’t match how you feel about yourself and what you believe about yourself, and you know it- if it leaves you feeling not in your power, not in your truth, almost like they are “making you feel bad”, do not accept that. Do not allow someone to judge or create a belief about you that is not true for you.  You see, that is their problem. In order to feel powerful, they create conversation to make others feel powerless.  The key here, is they can not make you feel powerless.  It is your conscious choice and effort to put up a boundary- a boundary for your own emotional and mental health. You must, choose to shut it down, not agree and not allow that in.  In this, you hold your power. Your own personal power.  In this you put back the “feeling” or energy they wanted or expected you to feel, you place it back on them.

This is an action to hold your power. To accept your own self love, not giving anyone power over you, standing in your emotional and mental strength and courage.  You feel powerful, strong and courageous.

Another example: You want to love your body, all of it. Yet for some reason you continue to make choices and decisions that sabotage your efforts, neglecting going to the gym, poor food choices.  You look at yourself in the mirror and make judgments such as your old, your fat, your gray, you’ve got wrinkles. These judgments are all limitations toward what you really want which is to love your body and feel great. Now the first action you take is to stop, stop the judgments. The plan you make, write it out is commit to going to the gym or some form of exercise 3-5x’s per week. Commitment to begin, this may mean 30 minutes each time or a class, or a trainer. The first step in this is investment.  Investing of your time, money and energy towards the desired results and people around you who support you in this- for they are in alignment with the vision and goal you have. Clean healthy food.  As a priority, stop what you are doing, what you are in the middle of and set yourself up with the food you need.  This is a huge step in the process.  Once you show yourself, you prove to yourself you can do it, and it’s not hard, you have begun to unravel the pattern. You have broken the barrier that held this pattern in place.  Yes, taking these first actions take courage and trust in self, and this is exactly the way to transform the pattern and yourself.

You find harmony and resonance in your efforts and, it feels good! you’re proud of yourself, you feel successful, you feel empowered.  This is how you break free of the limiting patterns to create shifts, towards alignment, resonance and harmony.


I hope you enjoy this teaching and find power in the application of the skill sets.

You can reach me at or to learn more about my one on one programs and services

Where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life

Priestess of Passion





Monica Heiz

The Pathway to Flow

Surrender, Allow, Receive


There is a pathway, a process flow moves through.  Often when there are blocks in the way, blocks such as limiting beliefs, faulty habits and patterns, and blocks that are negative self talk, this pathway becomes stuck, stagnant and empty.

It is here, often people try to fill this void, this stuckness with things, relationships and other toxic actions, unaware how to step into surrender, allow, receive in order to have the flow moving again.

I want to break this down into simplicity, and yet fully aware of the magnitude these thoughts and actions are, for they ask you to step outside your comfort zone.

So if you have thoughts, actions and beliefs that weigh you down, that feel heavy, these are creating blocks, interfering with your growth, development and flow. In order to move, to grow, shake off the limitations, you must take a new action, create new thoughts and beliefs.  You must remove the old in order to clear space, create and receive the new.

So, here is where surrender, allow, receive come in.  While you recognize the limitations, you take a new action.  In this new action, entering the unknown, you build courage, strength and develop trust and faith. This is laying the pathway to the new.  Consider it laying a new foundation or digging out a channel that’s been backed up.  Once you have developed the new habits, patterns and beliefs, and taken actions, there will be a bridge to cross.  This is the threshold into the new. This is through your courage and commitment to move forward. It is here, as you cross this threshold, the work is complete, you must lay down your actions, your movement, and surrender your will to the bigger vision. To the vision you are going towards.  This surrender is peaceful, authentic and truly a gift from the Universe for you to be seen, heard and validated. As you accept surrender, you allow.  Allow is a beautiful practice of clarity, clear on what you want to receive and clear of what is not acceptable, as you hold strong, discerning boundaries. Allowing only that which is in direct alignment with your desires, growth and new.  This sets the ground, and foundation to receive- a nest to receive that which you desire, the new. And to receive what you desire becomes simple and effortless.  It comes in in the most miraculous ways.


Be strong.  Be powerful.  Trust in your desires and take action.

It is up to you to cultivate a relationship with trust, faith, surrender, allow and receive.

You’ve got this!


Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion