Your greatest resource is Power

Values are a way you can coordinate your priorities. When you understand the values most important in your life, you have the power to align your resources with your values.

I use the word power specifically. Your power comes from your decisions, choices, actions and habits.

The challenge most face is settling down, settling into what you want, how to understand the nature of your power and implementing.

I want to keep this simple for you. The current decisions, choices, actions and habits you are making are based on what you know, usually based on the culture, family and community you have been connected with.

The greatest gift you have is your power of choice and decision. The future is based on the choices and decisions you make today.

Let’s apply this now. If you want to experience a change, it’s not always the change that scares you. It’s doing something different than the way you learned it. It confronts the status quo of how you were taught or what you believe.

The first thing is to list the qualites and values most important to you.

For example, for me, fitness, health and lifestyle (my identity of lifestyle) is important to me. To align my resources with my values, I am going to find community and places to spend my energy, time and money which will build and develop my fitness health and lifestyle which includes people.

I value risk taking, shining my light to be seen valued and recognized. What I consistently do, is find communities and groups who can appreciate these qualites of me.

When you align your values with your resources you add to the quality of your living.

You- must be open to it.

There will always be distractions, ideas of limitations, or just a sense of comfort.

Here’s where it is up to you, your power, your courage, your belief and faith to step forward. To act. To allow.

You will continue to get the same results until you step into a new community, recognizing common values and shared goals.

Time, money and energy are resources designed to circulate. To move and flow. When you are in fear, stressed, feel powerless or helpless with any of your resource, you close yourself off to what is possible.

Listen to that again. When you are in fear, stressed, feel powerless or helpless with any of your resources you close yourself off to what is possible.

Anything New begins with an idea. Then that idea is acted up.

There is no concern of outworld resources. There must be a connection with one’s own inner world, ones own power decisions and actions to make it happen.

There are no rules. There is no structure. You will have to build that. Build your own rules and structures. And, when you find the right communities, they will support you in building those rules and structures.

This is why a corporate culture is important for the company and its employees. This is why a marriage depends on 2 people with a shared vision, common goals and values in life. It makes the journey towards success and fulfillment pleasurable, effortless and HAPPY.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Non Attachment

It’s very simple to speak and say, well detach from it- hold no attachment, it’s another thing to actually be able to apply this skill set.

Non-attachment at its foundation holds you in faith, strength, courage and trust.  It’s a magical place to stand. What occurs in order to be in non- attachment is a power from within and without so strong, there is nothing to stand in your way of the desired outcome.

Now, for many people the idea of detaching, brings up the exact issue that creates the attachment. So for example, fear of money- has people afraid of letting go, releasing, give of money. Fear of safety and security has people holding onto things, homes, people, money because of the feelings and emotions that are associated with the idea of losing safety and security.

These are the real issues, programming and patterns to clear- to find a sense of peace, clarity and freedom.

So how does one go about doing this?

First, identify what the fear is?  I mean look at the fear- not judge it, or label it, just look at what brings up fear- loss of what?  Now once you have identified the fear, be present with it. No action required. No emotions required.  Go about your living, and begin to notice each time a thought, feeling, emotion or experience comes up and triggers this fear. Good.  All you are set to do here is identify it and observe as it comes up.

Now that you know what brings up the fear, you see the trigger. Be patient.  What often is a thorn in the side with non- attachment is the fighting, the grip, the will, and determination to change something to get out of the pain, chaos, trauma.  This holds a charge and power.  Patience is the salve to igniting the trigger.  With patience you can defuse the charge.  Stay in patience. Center, breath, and find stillness.  These are a new experience.  This begin to settle the ground beneath you, the one that shakes everytime the trigger blows up.

What your next step here is to look for what you want.  What experiences feelings emotions and outcomes do you want.  No- attachment, just what are they.  Then ask youself why these triggers affect you.  Why at this point in your life are you being triggered by something that occurred when you were a child and what truth do they hold now? What traumas were there, what chaos erupted, what pain, saddness, vicitimization and lack or scarcity did you see or were exposed to.

Here is where you my love must show up in your power.  If you saw witnessed or experienced a trauma, you most likely did everything you could to protect yourself and overcome it.  Settle in to this with me.  Look around you.  Do you have the love, security, safety, money, food and relationship (whether with yourself or a partner) you desire.  Did you create the environment now as an adult you needed to get yourself out of the situation or circumstance that held you in pain, chaos and trauma?

I bet you did.

So now, the body, your emotions are still running the program.  They are being triggered by the patterns that show up in your life.  See you did a great job remove and growing from the experience physically, yet emotionally those wounds must be released- non- attachment, for you to truly be free.

You’re essentially still holding the fear pattern within through your thoughts actions and behaviors.  Now, non-attachment will ask of you to step into courage, to be the adult, the responsible adult you were always looking for to show up, to step in and take action, to protect you through creating a safe space.  This space gives your emotions, feelings and inner child, inner feminine a space to be safe.  In this safety you have the freedom to be, to express yourself, your truth- to feel to speak to be heard seen and validated.  You are given the space to open and let go, relax and find peace.  This continues to evolve into non-attachment.  That’s right, you are no longer attached to the story or the way others, adults in your life, showed up projecting and intimidating their issues on you.

You find a new sense of peace joy and happiness.  It is here you are free.

Your emotions hold the power to transform your life, are you ready.

Priestess of Passion

Where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life.

Monica Heiz


Willingness. What Are You Willing to Do?

Willingness is the ability to say yes to yourself. It is the doorway to possibilities.

What do I mean?

In order to go after what it is you want, in order to create changes and change the course of your life, you are going to have to be willing. I don’t use those words often, “have to”. What I know for sure is, if what you are doing is not making you happy or going in the direction you want it to go in, you will have to change your course of action.

Let’s begin with your resources, your money, time and energy. You will need to, have a willingness to place your money, time and energy towards that which you want. Your willingness shows that you desire the changes. Willingness has no attachment. It is an energy that shows up as yes, this is what I want. Willingness speaks of your ability to let go, vulnerability and openness. This is the path to change.

So what are you willing to Do? Often when you get deep in the chaos turmoil, stuckness, or pain, getting out takes a greater commitment, a greater need to settle, create a plan and act, again a willingness to let go of the story and problem and find a solution, this is willingness.

Most people are held back by their inability to be willing, to have courage, to find faith to act from self trust. Think about this. Do you want to be like and considered most people, or do you believe in yourself that you are capable of making the changes necessary to have what you want.

This is a conscious choice, a decision made based on your own self confidence, no one can or will do it for you.

Willingness may go against everything you were taught and believe, and that is what courage is about. Standing up for what you believe in and speaking up. Courage is not tied to outer resources.

This is where most people lose their willingness. Once you begin to talk about money, time, or energy, people shut down, disconnect or turn off. Willingness flies out the window. Willingness, has no attachment, so once again, it opens the conversation to something new and it understands in this new, in a new direction it will take, money, time and energy.

What are you willing to Do? What is something new you are ready to step into that points you in the direction of your dreams, goals, vision and desires?

Creating changes can be challenging, we tend to be programmed pretty good as to what we believe is right or wrong, truth or not truth and what is important.

Willingness breaks through these barriers.

What changes are you looking to create in your life now?

Illuminatingthe riches within

Priestess of Passion

Monica Heiz



What holds you back from what you want

What’s holding you back isn’t what you don’t have. What’s holding you back is the choice and decision to have that which you want.

You see, in order to acquire and have what you want, will ask of you to do the work, put a plan together and take the steps necessary to have what you want.
What holds you back is the story, and beliefs you tell yourself about money, about spending money or putting money towards what you want.

Money is a tool. it is used to build and invest into things, qualities that will help you, to aquire the thing you want. Money is the vehicle, when you spend and invest in services, program and products thathelp you get there. Now the choices you make on the products, services and programs are up to you. The point is saying no, and being unwilling to move money towards your desires, hold you back.

You don’t commit. You’ don’t hold yourself powerful enough. You don’t see the power you hold in the decision you make to have what you want by placing money towards having it.

Now the steps, require action. So when money is put in the plan, you have a sense of urgency a sense of purpose. Take the steps. Go to the groups, take the classes, show up. These are all important aspects that move you towards your desire. It take courage and it shows commitment.

In order to have what you want, you must be doing things different than you are doing them, so this plan puts that in place.

Practice. Practice feeling what it feels like having what you want. Practice expriencing who you are having this. What does it feel like. How do you stand, how do you act? What becomes important to you. Do more of these things.

You see having what you want is in your control What it takes is letting go of the story. Letting go of the excuses. Stepping into curiosity and courage, the 2 qualities necessary to find a new way, to find what it is you desire and want. Every other way- has you in the old beliefs that hold you back and don’t support you and your wants.

Other people will have a story why you can’t do it, why it won’t work.

Stop listening to them. They don’t hold the power, you do. Your power requires actions in alignment with your goals and desires.

What holds you back is your inability to take the actions, to be bold and hold yourself powerful in action.

Now, today, what are you going to do, what action are you going to take on in alignment with your goals and desires.

Illuminating the riches within

Priestess of Passion

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

The Pathway to Flow

Surrender, Allow, Receive


There is a pathway, a process flow moves through.  Often when there are blocks in the way, blocks such as limiting beliefs, faulty habits and patterns, and blocks that are negative self talk, this pathway becomes stuck, stagnant and empty.

It is here, often people try to fill this void, this stuckness with things, relationships and other toxic actions, unaware how to step into surrender, allow, receive in order to have the flow moving again.

I want to break this down into simplicity, and yet fully aware of the magnitude these thoughts and actions are, for they ask you to step outside your comfort zone.

So if you have thoughts, actions and beliefs that weigh you down, that feel heavy, these are creating blocks, interfering with your growth, development and flow. In order to move, to grow, shake off the limitations, you must take a new action, create new thoughts and beliefs.  You must remove the old in order to clear space, create and receive the new.

So, here is where surrender, allow, receive come in.  While you recognize the limitations, you take a new action.  In this new action, entering the unknown, you build courage, strength and develop trust and faith. This is laying the pathway to the new.  Consider it laying a new foundation or digging out a channel that’s been backed up.  Once you have developed the new habits, patterns and beliefs, and taken actions, there will be a bridge to cross.  This is the threshold into the new. This is through your courage and commitment to move forward. It is here, as you cross this threshold, the work is complete, you must lay down your actions, your movement, and surrender your will to the bigger vision. To the vision you are going towards.  This surrender is peaceful, authentic and truly a gift from the Universe for you to be seen, heard and validated. As you accept surrender, you allow.  Allow is a beautiful practice of clarity, clear on what you want to receive and clear of what is not acceptable, as you hold strong, discerning boundaries. Allowing only that which is in direct alignment with your desires, growth and new.  This sets the ground, and foundation to receive- a nest to receive that which you desire, the new. And to receive what you desire becomes simple and effortless.  It comes in in the most miraculous ways.


Be strong.  Be powerful.  Trust in your desires and take action.

It is up to you to cultivate a relationship with trust, faith, surrender, allow and receive.

You’ve got this!


Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Busting Open the Beliefs of Yoga. Connecting to your true Source of Personal Power

The depth of connection we have through our bodies is profound, penetrating through ever aspect of how we choose to live and in every thought, action, movement and feeling. 

inner compass 2

Let’s bust open some myths or outdated beliefs here, about the practice of yoga. Practice, is a series of actions, disciplines that create shifts, and gives you a formula for growth and development. Where yoga has an exceptional plan for focus and discipline in practice, it’s method of connecting one’s spirit to it’s own innate inner knowing, which includes opening channels that connect the ground below and the heavens above is archaic, built on a philosophy that held others in power and control.

There is another way. It is the way of the Priestess

From a time when women, with her beautiful ability to surrender, receive and allow had access to Divine Wisdom for the prosperity and abundance of all. Before the darkness. When the light was a representation of individuality, fertility, expansion, and all the joys and pleasure this connection brought to the people. There was no one leader. There was no one to follow. What transpired was the unique self expression of people through play, arts, creativity, music, sex, dance, food from the land and community connection.

Yoga, in it’s actions, closes off the channel. As a woman leader, one of the Priestess with a Divine Channel, my energy and ability to connect, like my sisters, is my greatest asset. This ability to connect my energy source to the earth below and the heaven above flows through the Divine Channel that opens with my pubic bone tilted and held forward, my coccyx bone tilted back and sits bones extended left to right. This Diamond shape, is the channel and connection that allows for a free flowing source energy to move through me. It is a place of personal power.

What this relationship creates within the body is extraordinary. It holds the lumbar spine, the lower back in a neutral position which is an arch. This arch, the design is for the connection of spiritual energy, rich, fertile, creative, and self expressive to move through this channel. It is the spirit in action. It is YOU. It is how you create and express your unique self in this world.

The current model and teachings of yoga, has not acknowledged nor chooses to recognize this essential action step in opening the channel which connects one’s spirit to their inner knowing.

Yoga, in it’s practice and philosophy teaches to tuck the tailbone- which is a submissive position. It creates a domination. It has someone’s own sense of personal safety and security look toward outward teaching. And looking in at the naval or solar plexus, has someone giving up their power to something or someone other than themselves.

Let’s put this in perspective with the true Natural order of the Divine, the animal Kingdom which thrives through a food chain model. A jaguar does not tuck it’s tailbone. She stands strong in her center, present. The curves of her svelte body the epitome of strength and beauty. When this majestic beauty decides it’s time to take action and look at the world around her, she sits looking out, observing with clarity on her next steps, which are divinely guided by her intuition. In situations where she finds herself in trouble, after the experience, she shakes herself off. She is clear on her power. And, no where does she give it away.

The exquisite nature of our senses are to experience the richness and fullness of life. Sights, sounds, feel, touch, smells all bring greater joy and evoke the feeling of pleasure. If you are not experiencing pleasure, the opposite is pain, or no feeling connection apathy. Neither one produces a positive Flow state. It’s easy to become stuck and stagnant here.

Yoga has a philosophy to turn off your senses, not be attached to the feelings. My feelings as a Divine Being are a gift from Heaven and my compass- the compass of my heart, spirit and passion, which drive and move me forward. And, isn’t that the same thing they teach about Law of Attraction, get into the feelings? My senses are a map, directing me in the direction to go. With each piece of pleasure I receive through sight, sound, touch, feel and smell, the experience of it, I find peace, joy and happiness. I open, I connect, I feel and I love. I FLOW. I receive, I open, I give and I celebrate the richness that moves through my life.

This is the path, the channel and source of the 2nd chakra flow~ sensuality, joy and pleasure. Your deepest connection to pleasure. Sure their are false pleasures to get you out of pain, and that is for you to reconcile. Money, sex, food all travel through the 2nd chakra. These 3 connect us to the physical and a sense of true safety and security. When we get into right relationships with our flow, our Selves, they flow freely. Opening your channel, connecting to your inner knowing, reclaims your personal power, and sense of identity that only you can have, it is your unique genius through your senses, feelings, thoughts and emotions, which comes from a high vibe state of pleasure and feeling, individual to you. Your blueprint, your identity.

Money, Food, Sex. These are the areas people and society have a hard time identifying themselves, your own personal power, your own blueprint, your own identity without a group, tribal or other people’s beliefs, ideas, judgments and philosophies. Taking a stand for your own personal philosophy. Just as I choose to do here. Without your own identity and personal power, what do you think happens? You give it away to others. You give it to others and you receive what they give, their ideas, beliefs and philosophies. The energy of the 2nd chakra is giving and receiving and creative or destructive. What do you think happens when the channel and flow is closed? Pain or apathy sets in. What do you think happens when you don’t have a sense of identity or feeling of personal power? You feel weak, vulnerable, unworthy. Do you think the Jaguar ever feels that way or gives her power away.

The depth of connection we have through our bodies is profound, penetrating through ever aspect of how we choose to live and in every thought, action, movement and feeling.

Make no mistake the practice of yoga has helped me, as a guide and a tool, a practice of focus and discipline, where like the jaguar I thrive in the environment. I took matters into my own hands. I consistently apply my own philosophy, inner wisdom, strength and personal power. I consistently trust my inner knowing, I choose to act from a place of power with my intimate intelligent inner wisdom as a Priestess.

This is the way we create change.

We allow, we give way to each person to connect into their own inner wisdom. We guide lead, model and teach how to keep this flow, this connection through the 2nd chakra of sensuality and the significant values of personal power exemplified by the jaguar.

This is they way of the Priestess

If you are ready to access more of your Divine Gifts, to step into a clear channel for your personal power and passion to flow, connect with me at or visit my website at

There’s a program designed exclusively for you, where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life

Photographer reserves all rights

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Success and Business. Gaining an edge, standing out from the crowd


Succeeding in business takes persistence, commitment and drive to succeed, while implementing an impeccable work ethic and a positive mental attitude highlights your drive to succeed. Gaining confidence, knowing your strengths and taking action towards your goals provides you the stamina necessary to get where you are going, and keeps you moving forward.

Here are 7 skills to Gain an Edge, Stand Out from the Crowd

  1. Know your goals.  Have clear definitive goals on what you want to accomplish in business such as  job title, salary, company you want to work for, and work you do. These goals give you a structure to work in, like a road map.  By staying focused on your business goals you’ll pay attention to opportunities, take action towards your goals and keep moving forward.
  2. Think outside the box.  Businesses today are looking for leaders who are willing to lead the way, to bring ideas to the table with creative thinking.  Be an asset to a company by providing them valuable ways to solve problems and come up with new ways to generate income or provide better service.  
  3. Know your strengths.  Building yourself up as an asset to your company, a valuable team player, requires you to know what strengths you bring to the business. Knowing your best skills, where you shine, provides you a way to communicate and act from focus, while asking for collaboration and cooperation with others creates a  business team that leads to results. By taking action from your place of power, your strengths, you open yourself to greater confidence, clarity in your communication style and showcase your ability to lead.
  4. Stay in the game.  Take action, take initiative. Being able to consistently challenge yourself, growing with new opportunities and a willingness to be uncomfortable gives you the skills and courage to stay in the game.  Business is not about being easy, it’s about challenging yourself to be your best and making it look easy.
  5. Take chances.  One of the greatest skill sets that successful business men and women have is the ability to trust their instinct/intuition and take chances.  Chances provide you the opportunity to stretch yourself, to test your limits.  It’s gives you the experience necessary to learn. Chances lead to success and to failure and failure is an important step in the process.  It’s not failure unless you stay down.  It’s the getting up where strength, courage, inner worth and desire to succeed are produced.  The more chances you take the better you get at taking them.
  6. Use your instinct and intuition, trust it.  Instinct and intuition are an internal compass, pointing you in the direction to go. It takes skill, time, patience and practice to use them well.  Time alone, reading, meditating, working out, yoga, fishing, being in nature are some ways to provide you the resources you need to build your instinct and intuition.  Listen to your inner voice, trust in the wisdom, the actions to take and your ability to succeed.
  7. Surround yourself with like minded people.  People who succeed spend time with others who succeed, think of it as “The Success Club”.  They hold each other up, celebrate successes, build you up and know you’re on the move.  People with goals, visions and direction have no time for stories, problems or distractions. Find people who have the success you want and spend time with them, join their circle of friendship.  Attend events with other success driven people.  Go be the successful business man/woman you want to be.


Create a plan, have a vision and go out and get it.  Succeeding in business requires you to do the personal work necessary to grow, step out on a limb and take flight.  Be bold, be courageous and be the woman or man everyone wants to do business with.

Illuminating the riches within

Photographer reserves all rights

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Embraced by a larger love, moving from ambition to meaning

Bacons-stained-glass-window-4-largeMoving from ambition to meaning

There comes a point in your life, whether you stop and wonder,  look around you questioning what you have and what you’re doing, or just recognize and acknowledge your life is not everything you want. I’m talking about want from an inner perspective. You see all the things you’ve acquired, the degrees earned, titles held, the way you spend your time energy and money, really hold no meaning to you.  They’re not aligned with your true values. Once you reach this level of consciousness, a whole new world opens up to you, literally and figuratively.

This consciousness brings with it a new level of risk. A risk where you begin trusting in the unseen, you become the observer, peeling back the layers that once held power over you.  It requires humility, compassion and most importantly, self love. This level of risk is a vulnerability to the aspects of your life that you built which held meaning and power to you and for the life you built.

Moving to meaning.  In this new choice, meaning is everything that you value from your heart, body and mind.  It asks for you to listen to the message within your heart, feeling the truth in your body which sets you free.  The feeling of ease, simplicity, grace and flow. It asks your mind to let go, release and surrender to the opening.  It’s only through the crack in the darkness can the light enter.  Like stained glass windows and décor, the effects of the light, sunlight reflecting light can your true beauty shine.  This is your journey through the darkness into the light, where your sense of identity is broken- you transcend into the next phase of your growth. Your truth. Where things hold no meaning over you.

Where you claim your power. The power you hold within, to make conscious choices and decisions, to act from faith and belief in yourself, and to stand your ground for what you believe in.

Empowerment. The true gift in empowerment is you choose where you invest ( I choose not to use the word spend here), your time, energy and money.  When you are empowered the choices you make with your resources, time, energy and money, will add increase to your life and to those you touch.  The resources exchanged will be an asset on both sides, adding to growth.

Let me elaborate.  In ambition, you are looking to get a bigger home, a fancier car, a better body, more of the external with the spending of your resources to get something that you believe will make you have or feel a certain way.  Moving to meaning, you decide to invest your money in a home that makes you feel safe, secure and provides you a temple, a sanctuary to rest your head.  It may still be a big home, yet the meaning behind it is what it provides you.  In that safety and security you make better choices and decisions.  When in meaning, rather than complaining about how much the fitness program costs, the gym, private training, the fresh foods, the time it takes to workout, being to busy, not having any energy, you decide to look at the overall lifestyle of having health, you recognize the investment you are making towards your health which will pay generously as you grow and mature.  You are consciously investing in your health today, so later you’re not at the mercy of the Dr.s and medical system.  In ambition you are looking for doing it all, showing up for everyone.  You want to be seen as successful, only doing it all leaves you unfulfilled on the inside.  In meaning you leave that all behind.  You choose to say, “what makes me happy.  What can I do to be of service that gives to me that which I give to others?”  You decide to find peace, grounding and stability in trusting yourself, your gifts, your OWN INHERENT WORTH, which has nothing to do with a title, money or status.  In this you find Freedom.

You Thrive.

While in meaning you choose habits, patterns, places and experiences that nourish you.  You choose to leave the realm of excuses, problems and difficulties to stand in your place of power in the realm of solutions, gratitude, trust, compassion, and the present moment, a consciousness of richness found within that supersedes anything external.

It is here, You give meaning to your greatest gifts, your values, and power flow through you, from a place of love.

Illuminating the riches within

Photographer reserves all rights

Monica Heiz

A Woman’s Worth, Illuminating the Riches Within


Over the past week I’ve had 2 men stop, for me.  They couldn’t put their finger on what was different about me, only that they were very attracted to me.  They wanted to spend time with me, finding me mysterious, curious.  The attraction was more than physical, something greater than external.  These men where attracted to my light. They were charmed by the radiance of my inner feminine, the Priestess within, illuminating out in all I am. I find women notice it, and often have a hard time seeing the reflection within themselves.  It becomes unsafe for women to see another women so wildly accepting of herself, her joy, her passion and her pleasure.

What is the recipe for women to notice their own inner worth?  The value they have inherently within that doesn’t seek approval, has no need to be right, perfect or unkind to herself?  For a woman to be so unapologetically all she is, Happy, Free and Radiating Joy

Within you, your Divine Feminine, Inner Priestess hold more power than you could ever imagine.

The first state of affairs is to release the belief that outer things, money, high end luxury car, big home, top level career, designer handbags hold more value than you do, or that they give you value.  Sure these luxuries add to your quality of living, but when you sacrifice your own truth, your own worth in exchange for these things, you give up your power.  You give up your power to the things you believe make you who you are.  They don’t and they can’t.  Only you can do that for you.

Let’s get back to value and worth.  A woman’s worth is marked on her ability to hold good boundaries, use discernment when making decisions, not judge others, and most importantly honor her body mind and spirit with healthy positive habits, thoughts and actions.

And guess what?  Honoring your body mind and spirit as a woman will take an investment of your resources, time, energy, and money.  Resources are given to us to exchange for building, creating and investing in what matters most to us.  If you complain about “being fat” or “not having enough time”, well it’s a call to action to invest, step forward, spread your wings and jump. If you believe buying another pair of shoes will do the trick, or getting your nails done, you’re missing the point.  A woman, who holds power, who knows her value and worth is willing to invest in herself. No excuses. Period.  Sure she’ll be uncomfortable, yet with faith, a courageous heart and the trust of her self, she steps forth into the unknown onto a journey of self discovery which brings her more life than she could ever imagine.

When we begin to understand money as a tool, it’s put to use to provide for us what we need in life, that includes spiritual maturity of using money to grow our own health, well being and spiritual practice. One that keeps you happy, healthy and radiant. Money, provides the luxuries necessary to nourish, nurture and support your greatest asset, your Inner Priestess, Your Light.  You’re too valuable, and you know it. Quite the excuses and the whining.

How do I keep my Inner Priestess so Bright? I cultivated a deep, passionate and loving relationship with my emotions.  Ones that like any relationship have their ups and down, yet, with a knowing they are my emotions, I am responsible for them and they support my living from my habits, thoughts and actions.  I’d better know how to use them to my advantage.

I’ve let go of attachment of what I think I need and what I want to focus on what I feel.  What feels true to me.  What inspires my soul. Where is my passion, my joy and my freedom.  That is my source of connection to my Inner Feminine and I unabashedly share it, and Be, in it.

Being in my Feminine means, letting go of the push, any sense of insecurity, holding centered, rooted and balanced in Trust.  It means listening to my intuition, watching the world around me from a higher perspective, and it means leading my life from flow with ease and grace.  I hold sacred with value my resources, my relationships, my business, my health and my life.  If there is no trust, honor or respect, I make a conscious choice to end the relationship and walk away.

I believe men appreciate and need woman to take a stand for their own feminine. I believe our world needs women ready to take a stand for her own feminine, to honor her own self, releasing her toxic behaviors thoughts and patterns.  I believe it’s time for women to reclaim a part of herself she abandoned for things, the idea the outer world would provide for her.

The honest truth.  A woman must be ready. She must be so tired, exhausted, drained of her energy, her life force.   A woman must be so unhappy in her life, miserable at wits end and really feeling unworthy and defeated to say, YES, Yes I am ready to claim my value and worth.

And, that’s a good thing……

The journey can then begin.

Illuminating the Riches Within

Monica Heiz

Photographer reserves all rights

Priestess of Passion


The True Power You Have~ Now

So often people wait for the right opportunity, to have enough time, enough money, a better body, be happier and the cycle of “waiting” is perpetuated. What gets washed over is what is available now. What is available now is going to look different than what you want, yet it is the foundation, building blocks to get you where you want to go.  In order to build and have what you want, you’ll have to overcome, move through and challenge limits and old patterns, hence the perpetual cycle.

Standing in, standing up, being clear on what you need to get where you want to go relies on relationships, the relationships you build and have today, to bring you what you want.

All things flow through relationships. It begins with the relationship you have with yourself. That requires a willingness to take action, providing yourself a foundation that may feel different and new, and surround yourself with people who are willing to provide, protect and give in a way that nourishes your spirit, has you wanting more and stops the cycle of “waiting”.   It’s here now.

When you look at your resources, really look at them, your finances, your work~ the people you work with and the environment you work in, your friends, your family, your neighborhood, your gym and health professionals, everything that makes up your foundation, are they providing and protecting you, supporting you Now to get you to where you want to be? Are they caring for you in a way that gives you opportunity to take action towards your vision?

It is up to you, it is a requirement to take Self Responsibility here. Now.

Maybe your relationships are overprotective.  Then it’s your responsibility Now, to find those relationships that build strength and courage to go out on your own. It may feel or seem reckless or careless, and you know what, the alternative is a slow, steady decline to stuckness and stagnation.  To never being able or willing to take action towards your goals and dreams.  Today, find the people who celebrate and value a little wildness.

The relationships you have today are the stepping stone to building what you want tomorrow.

The key here is, the new relationships you make, they’ll move you forward, and then….when you are ready for the next level in your life, you’ll create new relationships.


The missing piece in society is, when you have goals, visions and dreams, you’ll need to build the relationships that support your vision goals and dreams. Leaving the safety of your nest and spreading your wings to fly. If the people you’re around don’t have the same values, or appreciate you, you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.  Each level of change you go through, will ask for you to spread your wings and find new connections.


Your life changes when you’re willing to create and cultivate new relationships. Relationships without attachment, relationships for the growth of each person involved.

The true power in this is, allowing yourself to change. You must be willing to receive something new.  Something new in relationship to your attitude, behavior and actions to move forward towards your goals.  This begins Now.  What you learn is the true power you do have.  You learn to see people and relationships as an asset to you or a liability, neither good or bad, just a recognition of who has the potential to give freely and move you forward.

That’s right give freely and move you forward.  Give freely to contribute to your energy. Give freely to invest in you.

This is your power.  Your ability to receive without attachment.  


Illuminating the Riches Within






Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion