Your greatest resource is Power

Values are a way you can coordinate your priorities. When you understand the values most important in your life, you have the power to align your resources with your values.

I use the word power specifically. Your power comes from your decisions, choices, actions and habits.

The challenge most face is settling down, settling into what you want, how to understand the nature of your power and implementing.

I want to keep this simple for you. The current decisions, choices, actions and habits you are making are based on what you know, usually based on the culture, family and community you have been connected with.

The greatest gift you have is your power of choice and decision. The future is based on the choices and decisions you make today.

Let’s apply this now. If you want to experience a change, it’s not always the change that scares you. It’s doing something different than the way you learned it. It confronts the status quo of how you were taught or what you believe.

The first thing is to list the qualites and values most important to you.

For example, for me, fitness, health and lifestyle (my identity of lifestyle) is important to me. To align my resources with my values, I am going to find community and places to spend my energy, time and money which will build and develop my fitness health and lifestyle which includes people.

I value risk taking, shining my light to be seen valued and recognized. What I consistently do, is find communities and groups who can appreciate these qualites of me.

When you align your values with your resources you add to the quality of your living.

You- must be open to it.

There will always be distractions, ideas of limitations, or just a sense of comfort.

Here’s where it is up to you, your power, your courage, your belief and faith to step forward. To act. To allow.

You will continue to get the same results until you step into a new community, recognizing common values and shared goals.

Time, money and energy are resources designed to circulate. To move and flow. When you are in fear, stressed, feel powerless or helpless with any of your resource, you close yourself off to what is possible.

Listen to that again. When you are in fear, stressed, feel powerless or helpless with any of your resources you close yourself off to what is possible.

Anything New begins with an idea. Then that idea is acted up.

There is no concern of outworld resources. There must be a connection with one’s own inner world, ones own power decisions and actions to make it happen.

There are no rules. There is no structure. You will have to build that. Build your own rules and structures. And, when you find the right communities, they will support you in building those rules and structures.

This is why a corporate culture is important for the company and its employees. This is why a marriage depends on 2 people with a shared vision, common goals and values in life. It makes the journey towards success and fulfillment pleasurable, effortless and HAPPY.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


There’s a whole other level to commitment.

There’s a whole other level to commitment

It asks to look at things from another perspective.

It shifts the focus or idea of purpose from a push and “not giving up” mentality and action to, what am I not seeing, what is my ability to take actions from a new place, to shift my views and beliefs of my own way of strategizing and implementing for outcomes.

This level of commitment has no fears. This level of commitment would walk away, that’s right walk away to place attention on building relationships, health and contribution without the idea of a power outside of self.

This level of commitment would walk away, that’s right walk away to place attention on building relationships, health and contribution without the idea of a power outside of self.

This commitment shows up as self reliance and, contribution by others creating a giving and receiving that’s in balance and harmony of your desired outcome.

It builds and creates. This level of commitment finds joy, pleasure and passion, and it shows up with purposes in connections.

Often commitment has places focus only on “I must do this to achieve that”. The level of commitment I’m describing, operates by setting goals, intentions, desires, visions, however you want to define them, taking necessary actions and reviewing the results. If the results are not connecting to your desired outcome, you may be going about your goal and vision from the wrong perspective, nothing to do with your ability to commit and follow through. Pushing harder is not always the solution. Getting out of your environment works. Getting out of your environment is an incredible way to see how others work towards or achieve what you desire. It gives you a fresh perspective and a way to go about your commitment.

Commitment has an emotional component to it. Committing to something, is personal. It links you to what you desire, what you feel is important to you. Not following through, not completing the commitment disturbs your peace of mind and can interfere with your relationships, professional and personal.

Embrace your emotions.

Embrace your desire “for” your commitment. In this, you allow flow to move through you, with a sense of right action and purpose.

Your needs, your push will self defeat you, by believing this is the way to commitment. And honestly, subconsciously our “needs” have been linked, programmed to safety security and basic survival needs. In a way, going about your commitments from this emotion of need you’ll gravitated towards relationships and connection in this undercurrent of emotions, unaware of how to maintain your own mastery of commitment, free of the survival pattern.

In this new space and open perspective of commitment you are inviting and welcoming a new environment and way to be intimate with commitment. You thrive in ways beyond the confines of pushing through your commitments to gain success.

You master it.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Non Attachment

It’s very simple to speak and say, well detach from it- hold no attachment, it’s another thing to actually be able to apply this skill set.

Non-attachment at its foundation holds you in faith, strength, courage and trust.  It’s a magical place to stand. What occurs in order to be in non- attachment is a power from within and without so strong, there is nothing to stand in your way of the desired outcome.

Now, for many people the idea of detaching, brings up the exact issue that creates the attachment. So for example, fear of money- has people afraid of letting go, releasing, give of money. Fear of safety and security has people holding onto things, homes, people, money because of the feelings and emotions that are associated with the idea of losing safety and security.

These are the real issues, programming and patterns to clear- to find a sense of peace, clarity and freedom.

So how does one go about doing this?

First, identify what the fear is?  I mean look at the fear- not judge it, or label it, just look at what brings up fear- loss of what?  Now once you have identified the fear, be present with it. No action required. No emotions required.  Go about your living, and begin to notice each time a thought, feeling, emotion or experience comes up and triggers this fear. Good.  All you are set to do here is identify it and observe as it comes up.

Now that you know what brings up the fear, you see the trigger. Be patient.  What often is a thorn in the side with non- attachment is the fighting, the grip, the will, and determination to change something to get out of the pain, chaos, trauma.  This holds a charge and power.  Patience is the salve to igniting the trigger.  With patience you can defuse the charge.  Stay in patience. Center, breath, and find stillness.  These are a new experience.  This begin to settle the ground beneath you, the one that shakes everytime the trigger blows up.

What your next step here is to look for what you want.  What experiences feelings emotions and outcomes do you want.  No- attachment, just what are they.  Then ask youself why these triggers affect you.  Why at this point in your life are you being triggered by something that occurred when you were a child and what truth do they hold now? What traumas were there, what chaos erupted, what pain, saddness, vicitimization and lack or scarcity did you see or were exposed to.

Here is where you my love must show up in your power.  If you saw witnessed or experienced a trauma, you most likely did everything you could to protect yourself and overcome it.  Settle in to this with me.  Look around you.  Do you have the love, security, safety, money, food and relationship (whether with yourself or a partner) you desire.  Did you create the environment now as an adult you needed to get yourself out of the situation or circumstance that held you in pain, chaos and trauma?

I bet you did.

So now, the body, your emotions are still running the program.  They are being triggered by the patterns that show up in your life.  See you did a great job remove and growing from the experience physically, yet emotionally those wounds must be released- non- attachment, for you to truly be free.

You’re essentially still holding the fear pattern within through your thoughts actions and behaviors.  Now, non-attachment will ask of you to step into courage, to be the adult, the responsible adult you were always looking for to show up, to step in and take action, to protect you through creating a safe space.  This space gives your emotions, feelings and inner child, inner feminine a space to be safe.  In this safety you have the freedom to be, to express yourself, your truth- to feel to speak to be heard seen and validated.  You are given the space to open and let go, relax and find peace.  This continues to evolve into non-attachment.  That’s right, you are no longer attached to the story or the way others, adults in your life, showed up projecting and intimidating their issues on you.

You find a new sense of peace joy and happiness.  It is here you are free.

Your emotions hold the power to transform your life, are you ready.

Priestess of Passion

Where true power and passion is found in the courage to live a wholehearted life.

Monica Heiz


What holds you back from what you want

What’s holding you back isn’t what you don’t have. What’s holding you back is the choice and decision to have that which you want.

You see, in order to acquire and have what you want, will ask of you to do the work, put a plan together and take the steps necessary to have what you want.
What holds you back is the story, and beliefs you tell yourself about money, about spending money or putting money towards what you want.

Money is a tool. it is used to build and invest into things, qualities that will help you, to aquire the thing you want. Money is the vehicle, when you spend and invest in services, program and products thathelp you get there. Now the choices you make on the products, services and programs are up to you. The point is saying no, and being unwilling to move money towards your desires, hold you back.

You don’t commit. You’ don’t hold yourself powerful enough. You don’t see the power you hold in the decision you make to have what you want by placing money towards having it.

Now the steps, require action. So when money is put in the plan, you have a sense of urgency a sense of purpose. Take the steps. Go to the groups, take the classes, show up. These are all important aspects that move you towards your desire. It take courage and it shows commitment.

In order to have what you want, you must be doing things different than you are doing them, so this plan puts that in place.

Practice. Practice feeling what it feels like having what you want. Practice expriencing who you are having this. What does it feel like. How do you stand, how do you act? What becomes important to you. Do more of these things.

You see having what you want is in your control What it takes is letting go of the story. Letting go of the excuses. Stepping into curiosity and courage, the 2 qualities necessary to find a new way, to find what it is you desire and want. Every other way- has you in the old beliefs that hold you back and don’t support you and your wants.

Other people will have a story why you can’t do it, why it won’t work.

Stop listening to them. They don’t hold the power, you do. Your power requires actions in alignment with your goals and desires.

What holds you back is your inability to take the actions, to be bold and hold yourself powerful in action.

Now, today, what are you going to do, what action are you going to take on in alignment with your goals and desires.

Illuminating the riches within

Priestess of Passion

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Guided Action. The Energy Behind Action


Guided Action: action is the fuel that leads to success.
Trust is the Key and Passion is the Fuel~ 
Priestess of Passion

Action can take on many different personalities for people.  It is the energy behind it that moves people, whether it be fear, inspiration, joy, challenge, false power, or other qualifying reasons.  Non- Action, from a place of lack of action, a choice to do nothing, remaining in the status quo, to choose an idea of safety and security keeps people stuck.  There’s a saying that goes ignorance is bliss.  That’s not really true.  Bliss comes through the joy, acceptance, rising to the occasion and stepping forward, I can call it towards the unknown, to create a desired outcome.

In order to live a fulfilling wholehearted life, one must be taking action. Now, finding a path to take action on that matches your level of integrity, passion, and desires is to develop a strategy and system that fuels you, that nourishes your soul and spirit from the inside out.

Guided action comes from your ability to know what you want. Everyone talks about the “bigger vision”, I say, start with one step, what do you want your foundation to look like, the ground beneath you that supports you.  For me, what this looks like is a high level Fitness Club, community centered with like minded fitness men and women.  Food that nourishes my spirit, rich and vibrant in color, sweet and juicy in texture and taste that ranges from fruits, vegetables, meats, chicken, fish, potatoes, and a limited variety of grains. A rainbow palate of color. Clients that respond, know what they want and allow me the opportunity to deliver in magical ways. Having a Fitness program that speaks through me, moving every aspect of my body mind and spirit and friends and connections that recognize, understand, value and appreciate my desire for freedom, excellence and commitment towards my goals. As these parts of my world are in place, my foundation is set.  The earth beneath me, the ground below me is fertile for all of my actions to come through my spirit, my intuitive knowing and the path that is designed for me.

What I have described here is, my choices and decisions to limit the distractions, and background noise that disrupts and interferes with my life…my work, my health, my relationships, my finances and my happiness & success.

So how do you know the difference in Action?  How do you know when it is guided action?  What I have learned through experience is there are steps to be taken, lessons to be learned to acquire wisdom and limiting beliefs to overcome.  Often, actions can be tangled in these areas. The frustration is taking the actions with trust in self, and finding you’ve repeated the pattern. Guided Action is first set in your foundation, as opposed to just randomly going for it, putting it out there.  Guided action has a “nest”,  a foundation for you to take aim from and land in.

Slow down. Take your time and act from where you are.  Allow the next step to appear, to be revealed to you, just like a seed springing toward the sun out of the ground. Unless you have things organized, and a clear space, jumping ahead of where you are, leaves you open and exposed to falling. This is what I described above as, “lessons to be learned to acquire wisdom”.  Once you have gained the wisdom, it is truly time for you to put your actions to work for you.

Look at your foundation.  What in the basics of life is working for you?  What is not?  Create the necessary plan and strategy to uplevel this area.  Uplevel means bring yourself to a higher ground, a better environment, a better situation.  Plan, and prepare- not over think.  Plan and prepare comes through knowing what you need to be in environments and situations that work for you and with you (as opposed to against you).

Once you know your plan, it may change, the important aspect is knowing where you are going, the outcome you are headed for. Take a small actionable step towards that goal or vision. Then allow.  Allow the Universe to show up with ideas, answers and all the ways it is supporting you in moving towards your goals and desires. From your choices that arise, settle and ground and Act, make a decision.  With this decision, follow through to the next step.  The whole process is designed to keep you on track.  On track for your desires, goals and dreams.

Once you take the action, this is the best part… YOU MUST SHOW UP AS OWNING IT.  You show up in that reality.  This is key and essential.  When it shows up for you, it is what you have been working towards. Often people get distracted, or not fully believing the next step that has showed up, is a part of their path. As you take the action, allow it in.  Allow this new discovery, this action to be YOUR TRUTH.

If you are ready to experience more on Guided Action, and step onto your path, check out my latest program offering

Guided Action 

The connection between the ground beneath me and the sky above me;  The 5 steps to clear purposeful action


Illuminating the Riches Within






Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Internal ambition, your blueprint for success


Internal ambition and external ambition

Ambition, when directed for growth, an increase in life, can be either directed from a point of influence of internal ambition or external ambition.  The strongest, best gift you can give yourself, your children, your co-workers, employees and team members is your own sense of internal ambition.

Internal ambition is fueled by your own sense of commitment, discipline, creativity, self expression and true joy for setting your sights on a goal and striving.  It’s cultivated through a practice of focus, and belief in ones self.  Internal ambition builds leadership. You see, we are built to strive for more. We are built to trust in our gifts, our desires and chart a course to move us forward.

External ambition is doing things for the sake of getting something in return. It is based on having to do something, or just doing something because of what you get. There may be a lack of passion, or a need to get something, without a sincere joy for the task at hand.  With external ambition you can sense more stress or fears, negatives, even though the goal and outcome to attain is positive.

The true beauty in internal ambition is to see what you are made of.

I believe it’s essential for people to have goals that stretch them to grow. A feeling, a desire of accomplishing something that lights your soul on fire. And, I believe having the right people around to support you in this internal ambition is a non-negotiable.  You see, what I love about internal ambition is the way you create changes in your life, that ask you to show up, to feel and check into your heart.  As I mentioned above, having goals, desires and striving to add value to your life, brings you through new tasks, taking on new activities, and facing challenges, that once held you back, small or feeling powerless. The feeling you receive from the accomplishment, that is the ultimate reward. You gain confidence and self esteem, priceless accolades for yourself that no one gave to you, you earned it through your commitment, desire and hard work.

External ambition has a focus on the outcome whether it be for money, status, title, or recognition. None of these are bad or wrong, there is just not as much sustenance in the reward.

The feeling of success comes through the work, the practice, belief in self, it is earned by your self.

Internal ambition capitalizes on what you want to achieve. It may ask of you to risk.  To take a chance on something that is intangible, yet with hard work, focus and discipline you will achieve. Driven by passion, embraced by your heart and spirit, taking your time, small actionable steps soon become bigger bolder moves that say, yes, I just accomplished that on the way to my goal adding to your pocket of gold.

As the year comes to a close, take some time to focus on what you want to achieve in the new year. Something that comes from your heart, a little crazy or risky, that makes your heart sing. Listen for your internal ambition, the why you want it and how it makes you feel. Listen. Feel.

Dig into your untapped treasure chest of desires, and just believe, internal ambition will be the light to move you forward.

Illuminating the riches within

Photographer reserves all rights

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

Expansion. Expanding and crossing thresholds

Expansion isn’t a word you hear everyday in relation to your spirituality or health, yet expansion is an essential part of growth and progress.  The concept of expansion from a Spiritual standpoint is opening for the new to give way, to stay open, letting go of perceived notions or beliefs.  Expansion, actually, opens to the light. It reaches, stretches and knows, the light provides the necessary nourishment and nutrients for the next stage of growth.

From the beginning of life, expansion shows up in the form of a woman’s uterus and body, expanding with child. During the time of childbirth, expansion happens again, when the birth canal and vagina expands for the baby, crossing through it’s threshold.

That Is, how we are designed to go through life, expanding and crossing thresholds.

So what do we need to understand about expansion to help us live richer, calmer, fuller, more satisfying lives?

Let’s begin with, it’s not the expansion that scares us.  It’s not understanding how the application of expansion works in our favor, how it works.

Expansion will happen every time we set ourselves up to grow, to make change. There will be steps required to take, along with centering and grounding and decisions to make. It’s in these decisions, you move toward the light, opening more and more in expansion. Your decisions will be based on the present, where you are and where you are going. It’s this conscious choice of Now, that expansion happens.  This is a non-negotiable for your growth, transformation and true change to be real and lasting.

The beauty of expansion is how you mature, grow and gain through the process. More light, more love- expansion opens you, softens you and shows your true power.

Expansion challenges all parts of us, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. The greater sense of calm and clarity you have, the simpler it is to identify how to go about your expansion and stay focused towards the growth and changes you seek.

Let’s take a more precise look at what occurs in the stage of expansion. Expansion is taking action towards the new.   It brings down a shedding of the old, just like a flower reaching for the sunlight, blooming, letting go of the delicate and protective covering. Before it releases the covering and protection, take note of this, it does not let anything in! In its most essential phase of expansion, right before it is ready to drop its protective cover it does not let anything in, that will disturb its path of growth.  For you, this means you are required to have focus, precision, trust, stillness and patience plus good boundaries.  Make no mistake, this can feel intense, being in this place of in between, where your trust and faith must be greater than your fear and disbelief.

And, this is how it works in your favor.  It teaches you to grow, stretch and believe in that which is brightest and boldest, your passion and your true power to create and believe. It asks of you to show up with nothing less than your best. You see, expansion requires you, not time, energy or money. Expansion, is you letting go of the old, stretching with faith and trust in what you have been nurturing, placing your resources towards.

The actual expansion, is the process of unfolding.

Hold your vision. Hold your faith with power, conviction and love.

Illuminating the riches within

Monica Heiz

Sensuality, the most intimate part of yourself

While I believe many in society have lost touch with the inner most intimate part of themselves, I don’t believe it was intentional. I see it as a lack of tools, support, programs and a model for society to not pay attention to that aspect of themselves.


That in and of itself has caused a disconnect, a separation of self.  

What I have found is within this inner most intimate part of yourself is the richness, fullness, satisfaction and joy you have been looking for.  One of the most intimate parts of yourself is your sensuality. Sensuality gives you the pleasure to experience things from a very powerful place, touching the aspects of yourself that feel, see, hear, taste and touch. How would your world change if you understood how essential your sensuality is for quality of living?

So why would anyone choose to turn that aspect of themselves off? I don’t believe we have consciously made that choice, and I know, we have the power to turn it back on to fuel our lives, when we understand the power it holds for us.

When we come from a place of nourishing our sensuality, your senses, you release the power, money, time and lack have over you.  You step into a world where your experiences hold meaning, keeping your focus and bringing you pleasure, including your feelings and emotions let loose into more freedom, passion and ecstasy.

You see, if the focus has always been on the pain, the struggle, competition, or getting more, you close yourself off to finding the entryway, the pathway to pleasure.  Sure, things may get uncomfortable, even painful, yet that’s your cue to find your sensuality. Where have you been holding back, pretending, feeling guilty, or shame, or expecting things to be easy about wanting what you want, about being so open, receptive in your sensuality.

To ask for what you want and Know, what you want is important, validated and true.

Sensuality asks you nourish your senses through environment, relationship, foods, clothing, sex, movement, and self love. Self Love means putting yourself first.  For me, sensuality is a feeling that touches my spirit from head to toe, opening me up, caressing my skin, bathing my energy in sunlight and seducing me into actions that feel good.

Let go. Find freedom. Sensuality invites you to explore, to let go of expectations and to revel in the moment.

The first step to Self Love through Sensuality is stop the self inflicted pain.  Here are 5 Tools to begin delighting in your Sensuality:

  1. Find some quiet space, settle into yourself.  Notice your feelings, your emotions.  Be present to them, allow them to be.  Set out small pieces of different tastes, textures and colors of food.  As you take one small piece at a time, chew slowly, notice your feelings and emotions. Feel them. What nourishes feelings of pleasure?  What are you open to receiving? Can you appreciate feeling free? Can you let go, allowing joy, pleasure and ecstasy to embrace your whole body?
  2. Take time to write out your vision or goal.  Look at it. Feel it.  How do you need to feel to accomplish your goal? That require you to let go of putting other people first. To achieve your vision you must feel worthy. You must feel capable of accomplishment.  You must be true to yourself.  Honor your self worth.
  3. Start a fitness plan.  Find a fitness program that will encourage all of you, mind body spirit.  A fitness program which steadies your mind, fuels your spirit and opens your body, all connecting to your heart.  I choose yoga as my fitness program.  It grounds me into my present, while channeling my spirit. I can feel all of me, allowing my sensuality of movement to be an expression of me.
  4. Stop following the crowds.  Take time to find out what you want.  Spend time in nature, let go of having everything everyone else has. Find beauty in your uniqueness.
  5. Luxuriate your body. Find natural simple products, less is more.  Have a massage, indulge in a spa day, schedule a full day unplugged with your significant other. Find the beauty, joy and pleasure of you.

 Sensuality, the aspect of you that says,



Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

A Woman’s Worth, Illuminating the Riches Within


Over the past week I’ve had 2 men stop, for me.  They couldn’t put their finger on what was different about me, only that they were very attracted to me.  They wanted to spend time with me, finding me mysterious, curious.  The attraction was more than physical, something greater than external.  These men where attracted to my light. They were charmed by the radiance of my inner feminine, the Priestess within, illuminating out in all I am. I find women notice it, and often have a hard time seeing the reflection within themselves.  It becomes unsafe for women to see another women so wildly accepting of herself, her joy, her passion and her pleasure.

What is the recipe for women to notice their own inner worth?  The value they have inherently within that doesn’t seek approval, has no need to be right, perfect or unkind to herself?  For a woman to be so unapologetically all she is, Happy, Free and Radiating Joy

Within you, your Divine Feminine, Inner Priestess hold more power than you could ever imagine.

The first state of affairs is to release the belief that outer things, money, high end luxury car, big home, top level career, designer handbags hold more value than you do, or that they give you value.  Sure these luxuries add to your quality of living, but when you sacrifice your own truth, your own worth in exchange for these things, you give up your power.  You give up your power to the things you believe make you who you are.  They don’t and they can’t.  Only you can do that for you.

Let’s get back to value and worth.  A woman’s worth is marked on her ability to hold good boundaries, use discernment when making decisions, not judge others, and most importantly honor her body mind and spirit with healthy positive habits, thoughts and actions.

And guess what?  Honoring your body mind and spirit as a woman will take an investment of your resources, time, energy, and money.  Resources are given to us to exchange for building, creating and investing in what matters most to us.  If you complain about “being fat” or “not having enough time”, well it’s a call to action to invest, step forward, spread your wings and jump. If you believe buying another pair of shoes will do the trick, or getting your nails done, you’re missing the point.  A woman, who holds power, who knows her value and worth is willing to invest in herself. No excuses. Period.  Sure she’ll be uncomfortable, yet with faith, a courageous heart and the trust of her self, she steps forth into the unknown onto a journey of self discovery which brings her more life than she could ever imagine.

When we begin to understand money as a tool, it’s put to use to provide for us what we need in life, that includes spiritual maturity of using money to grow our own health, well being and spiritual practice. One that keeps you happy, healthy and radiant. Money, provides the luxuries necessary to nourish, nurture and support your greatest asset, your Inner Priestess, Your Light.  You’re too valuable, and you know it. Quite the excuses and the whining.

How do I keep my Inner Priestess so Bright? I cultivated a deep, passionate and loving relationship with my emotions.  Ones that like any relationship have their ups and down, yet, with a knowing they are my emotions, I am responsible for them and they support my living from my habits, thoughts and actions.  I’d better know how to use them to my advantage.

I’ve let go of attachment of what I think I need and what I want to focus on what I feel.  What feels true to me.  What inspires my soul. Where is my passion, my joy and my freedom.  That is my source of connection to my Inner Feminine and I unabashedly share it, and Be, in it.

Being in my Feminine means, letting go of the push, any sense of insecurity, holding centered, rooted and balanced in Trust.  It means listening to my intuition, watching the world around me from a higher perspective, and it means leading my life from flow with ease and grace.  I hold sacred with value my resources, my relationships, my business, my health and my life.  If there is no trust, honor or respect, I make a conscious choice to end the relationship and walk away.

I believe men appreciate and need woman to take a stand for their own feminine. I believe our world needs women ready to take a stand for her own feminine, to honor her own self, releasing her toxic behaviors thoughts and patterns.  I believe it’s time for women to reclaim a part of herself she abandoned for things, the idea the outer world would provide for her.

The honest truth.  A woman must be ready. She must be so tired, exhausted, drained of her energy, her life force.   A woman must be so unhappy in her life, miserable at wits end and really feeling unworthy and defeated to say, YES, Yes I am ready to claim my value and worth.

And, that’s a good thing……

The journey can then begin.

Illuminating the Riches Within

Monica Heiz

Photographer reserves all rights

Priestess of Passion


Change as an act of Power

Times of Change: The Inner World and the Outer World find Balance, Peace and Flow

We’ve asked for it.

Some of us have prepared for it in our habits, choices, actions and work.

We wanted change. We wanted change, where what we want, feel and believe in our hearts matches what we receive in our outer world.

Change can be subtle as we take the actions forward, with new plans, ideas, habits and feelings. And, believe it or not, often times these changes will be challenged by the old ways. “Are you sure you want to change?” “Are you completely committed to this new change?” Do you believe?, Do you believe in the new changes”?


It always looks good on paper, and it feels good when taking the actions. Yet when confronted with the old, do you have the courage to say Yes to the new. Do you have the courage, strength and wholeheartedness to allow the old ways showing up in the form of chaos, destruction, disruption, pain and despair to circle around you, praying on you to be vulnerable.

It is time for change and many of you have been doing your personal work to make it happen.  Aligning your values with your actions and words. Listening to your gut and intuition, trusting decisions, making good choices. You’ve placed what matters most, from the people you love, to your health first, the reason behind your happiness, your most valuable resources, as opposed to placing time, energy and money as the recipient of what matters most. You, my dear friends are willing to take self responsibility for your living and everything that holds value to you within the World. That is the power and passion of living life courageous and wholeheartedly.


Willing to let go of the status quo, bold and brave to say yes to accomplishing goals and dreams that ask you to continuously show up, stretch, learn, give, trust and believe.

Your actions, dedication, commitment set in motions by your emotions of joy, pleasure, happiness and success, because that is what you choose to believe.  With that contagious attitude you inspire others to find the light within, to rise up and be the change they wish to be.  For other to take a stand for hope, to liberate there soul to freedom, making new choices and decisions that reflect the values they hold near and dear to their hearts.

An Act of Power.  Yes, change is an act of Power, and one only you can do for yourself.

Now, more than ever, celebrate, appreciate the changes you’ve made, the people you’ve inspired, and where you are going. This is a time Great Power is available to us as a collective, one that is based on your heart & soul, one that will set the foundation for our children’s future.  There is no greater Force than this Energy~ building, setting new systems and structures, creating a new path for our children to live in a world that values the power of Love, where health, prosperity, fun, joy and happiness are their way of living.

How Powerful is it knowing your actions, intentions, values, choices and way of living; authentic and with self responsibility is building a new world right now.

Yes, you are the change. How grateful, my heart full,  to see so many of you in your dedication to that which you value most~ yourself, your family, your work, your community.

Blessings often come disguised as problems, chaos and trouble…..

Keep up the good work, You are moving in the right direction!

Illuminating the Riches Within,


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion