Embraced by a larger love, moving from ambition to meaning

Bacons-stained-glass-window-4-largeMoving from ambition to meaning

There comes a point in your life, whether you stop and wonder,  look around you questioning what you have and what you’re doing, or just recognize and acknowledge your life is not everything you want. I’m talking about want from an inner perspective. You see all the things you’ve acquired, the degrees earned, titles held, the way you spend your time energy and money, really hold no meaning to you.  They’re not aligned with your true values. Once you reach this level of consciousness, a whole new world opens up to you, literally and figuratively.

This consciousness brings with it a new level of risk. A risk where you begin trusting in the unseen, you become the observer, peeling back the layers that once held power over you.  It requires humility, compassion and most importantly, self love. This level of risk is a vulnerability to the aspects of your life that you built which held meaning and power to you and for the life you built.

Moving to meaning.  In this new choice, meaning is everything that you value from your heart, body and mind.  It asks for you to listen to the message within your heart, feeling the truth in your body which sets you free.  The feeling of ease, simplicity, grace and flow. It asks your mind to let go, release and surrender to the opening.  It’s only through the crack in the darkness can the light enter.  Like stained glass windows and décor, the effects of the light, sunlight reflecting light can your true beauty shine.  This is your journey through the darkness into the light, where your sense of identity is broken- you transcend into the next phase of your growth. Your truth. Where things hold no meaning over you.

Where you claim your power. The power you hold within, to make conscious choices and decisions, to act from faith and belief in yourself, and to stand your ground for what you believe in.

Empowerment. The true gift in empowerment is you choose where you invest ( I choose not to use the word spend here), your time, energy and money.  When you are empowered the choices you make with your resources, time, energy and money, will add increase to your life and to those you touch.  The resources exchanged will be an asset on both sides, adding to growth.

Let me elaborate.  In ambition, you are looking to get a bigger home, a fancier car, a better body, more of the external with the spending of your resources to get something that you believe will make you have or feel a certain way.  Moving to meaning, you decide to invest your money in a home that makes you feel safe, secure and provides you a temple, a sanctuary to rest your head.  It may still be a big home, yet the meaning behind it is what it provides you.  In that safety and security you make better choices and decisions.  When in meaning, rather than complaining about how much the fitness program costs, the gym, private training, the fresh foods, the time it takes to workout, being to busy, not having any energy, you decide to look at the overall lifestyle of having health, you recognize the investment you are making towards your health which will pay generously as you grow and mature.  You are consciously investing in your health today, so later you’re not at the mercy of the Dr.s and medical system.  In ambition you are looking for doing it all, showing up for everyone.  You want to be seen as successful, only doing it all leaves you unfulfilled on the inside.  In meaning you leave that all behind.  You choose to say, “what makes me happy.  What can I do to be of service that gives to me that which I give to others?”  You decide to find peace, grounding and stability in trusting yourself, your gifts, your OWN INHERENT WORTH, which has nothing to do with a title, money or status.  In this you find Freedom.

You Thrive.

While in meaning you choose habits, patterns, places and experiences that nourish you.  You choose to leave the realm of excuses, problems and difficulties to stand in your place of power in the realm of solutions, gratitude, trust, compassion, and the present moment, a consciousness of richness found within that supersedes anything external.

It is here, You give meaning to your greatest gifts, your values, and power flow through you, from a place of love.

Illuminating the riches within

Photographer reserves all rights

Monica Heiz


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