A Woman’s Worth, Illuminating the Riches Within


Over the past week I’ve had 2 men stop, for me.  They couldn’t put their finger on what was different about me, only that they were very attracted to me.  They wanted to spend time with me, finding me mysterious, curious.  The attraction was more than physical, something greater than external.  These men where attracted to my light. They were charmed by the radiance of my inner feminine, the Priestess within, illuminating out in all I am. I find women notice it, and often have a hard time seeing the reflection within themselves.  It becomes unsafe for women to see another women so wildly accepting of herself, her joy, her passion and her pleasure.

What is the recipe for women to notice their own inner worth?  The value they have inherently within that doesn’t seek approval, has no need to be right, perfect or unkind to herself?  For a woman to be so unapologetically all she is, Happy, Free and Radiating Joy

Within you, your Divine Feminine, Inner Priestess hold more power than you could ever imagine.

The first state of affairs is to release the belief that outer things, money, high end luxury car, big home, top level career, designer handbags hold more value than you do, or that they give you value.  Sure these luxuries add to your quality of living, but when you sacrifice your own truth, your own worth in exchange for these things, you give up your power.  You give up your power to the things you believe make you who you are.  They don’t and they can’t.  Only you can do that for you.

Let’s get back to value and worth.  A woman’s worth is marked on her ability to hold good boundaries, use discernment when making decisions, not judge others, and most importantly honor her body mind and spirit with healthy positive habits, thoughts and actions.

And guess what?  Honoring your body mind and spirit as a woman will take an investment of your resources, time, energy, and money.  Resources are given to us to exchange for building, creating and investing in what matters most to us.  If you complain about “being fat” or “not having enough time”, well it’s a call to action to invest, step forward, spread your wings and jump. If you believe buying another pair of shoes will do the trick, or getting your nails done, you’re missing the point.  A woman, who holds power, who knows her value and worth is willing to invest in herself. No excuses. Period.  Sure she’ll be uncomfortable, yet with faith, a courageous heart and the trust of her self, she steps forth into the unknown onto a journey of self discovery which brings her more life than she could ever imagine.

When we begin to understand money as a tool, it’s put to use to provide for us what we need in life, that includes spiritual maturity of using money to grow our own health, well being and spiritual practice. One that keeps you happy, healthy and radiant. Money, provides the luxuries necessary to nourish, nurture and support your greatest asset, your Inner Priestess, Your Light.  You’re too valuable, and you know it. Quite the excuses and the whining.

How do I keep my Inner Priestess so Bright? I cultivated a deep, passionate and loving relationship with my emotions.  Ones that like any relationship have their ups and down, yet, with a knowing they are my emotions, I am responsible for them and they support my living from my habits, thoughts and actions.  I’d better know how to use them to my advantage.

I’ve let go of attachment of what I think I need and what I want to focus on what I feel.  What feels true to me.  What inspires my soul. Where is my passion, my joy and my freedom.  That is my source of connection to my Inner Feminine and I unabashedly share it, and Be, in it.

Being in my Feminine means, letting go of the push, any sense of insecurity, holding centered, rooted and balanced in Trust.  It means listening to my intuition, watching the world around me from a higher perspective, and it means leading my life from flow with ease and grace.  I hold sacred with value my resources, my relationships, my business, my health and my life.  If there is no trust, honor or respect, I make a conscious choice to end the relationship and walk away.

I believe men appreciate and need woman to take a stand for their own feminine. I believe our world needs women ready to take a stand for her own feminine, to honor her own self, releasing her toxic behaviors thoughts and patterns.  I believe it’s time for women to reclaim a part of herself she abandoned for things, the idea the outer world would provide for her.

The honest truth.  A woman must be ready. She must be so tired, exhausted, drained of her energy, her life force.   A woman must be so unhappy in her life, miserable at wits end and really feeling unworthy and defeated to say, YES, Yes I am ready to claim my value and worth.

And, that’s a good thing……

The journey can then begin.

Illuminating the Riches Within

Monica Heiz

Photographer reserves all rights

Priestess of Passion



Change as an act of Power

Times of Change: The Inner World and the Outer World find Balance, Peace and Flow

We’ve asked for it.

Some of us have prepared for it in our habits, choices, actions and work.

We wanted change. We wanted change, where what we want, feel and believe in our hearts matches what we receive in our outer world.

Change can be subtle as we take the actions forward, with new plans, ideas, habits and feelings. And, believe it or not, often times these changes will be challenged by the old ways. “Are you sure you want to change?” “Are you completely committed to this new change?” Do you believe?, Do you believe in the new changes”?


It always looks good on paper, and it feels good when taking the actions. Yet when confronted with the old, do you have the courage to say Yes to the new. Do you have the courage, strength and wholeheartedness to allow the old ways showing up in the form of chaos, destruction, disruption, pain and despair to circle around you, praying on you to be vulnerable.

It is time for change and many of you have been doing your personal work to make it happen.  Aligning your values with your actions and words. Listening to your gut and intuition, trusting decisions, making good choices. You’ve placed what matters most, from the people you love, to your health first, the reason behind your happiness, your most valuable resources, as opposed to placing time, energy and money as the recipient of what matters most. You, my dear friends are willing to take self responsibility for your living and everything that holds value to you within the World. That is the power and passion of living life courageous and wholeheartedly.


Willing to let go of the status quo, bold and brave to say yes to accomplishing goals and dreams that ask you to continuously show up, stretch, learn, give, trust and believe.

Your actions, dedication, commitment set in motions by your emotions of joy, pleasure, happiness and success, because that is what you choose to believe.  With that contagious attitude you inspire others to find the light within, to rise up and be the change they wish to be.  For other to take a stand for hope, to liberate there soul to freedom, making new choices and decisions that reflect the values they hold near and dear to their hearts.

An Act of Power.  Yes, change is an act of Power, and one only you can do for yourself.

Now, more than ever, celebrate, appreciate the changes you’ve made, the people you’ve inspired, and where you are going. This is a time Great Power is available to us as a collective, one that is based on your heart & soul, one that will set the foundation for our children’s future.  There is no greater Force than this Energy~ building, setting new systems and structures, creating a new path for our children to live in a world that values the power of Love, where health, prosperity, fun, joy and happiness are their way of living.

How Powerful is it knowing your actions, intentions, values, choices and way of living; authentic and with self responsibility is building a new world right now.

Yes, you are the change. How grateful, my heart full,  to see so many of you in your dedication to that which you value most~ yourself, your family, your work, your community.

Blessings often come disguised as problems, chaos and trouble…..

Keep up the good work, You are moving in the right direction!

Illuminating the Riches Within,


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


The True Power You Have~ Now

So often people wait for the right opportunity, to have enough time, enough money, a better body, be happier and the cycle of “waiting” is perpetuated. What gets washed over is what is available now. What is available now is going to look different than what you want, yet it is the foundation, building blocks to get you where you want to go.  In order to build and have what you want, you’ll have to overcome, move through and challenge limits and old patterns, hence the perpetual cycle.

Standing in, standing up, being clear on what you need to get where you want to go relies on relationships, the relationships you build and have today, to bring you what you want.

All things flow through relationships. It begins with the relationship you have with yourself. That requires a willingness to take action, providing yourself a foundation that may feel different and new, and surround yourself with people who are willing to provide, protect and give in a way that nourishes your spirit, has you wanting more and stops the cycle of “waiting”.   It’s here now.

When you look at your resources, really look at them, your finances, your work~ the people you work with and the environment you work in, your friends, your family, your neighborhood, your gym and health professionals, everything that makes up your foundation, are they providing and protecting you, supporting you Now to get you to where you want to be? Are they caring for you in a way that gives you opportunity to take action towards your vision?

It is up to you, it is a requirement to take Self Responsibility here. Now.

Maybe your relationships are overprotective.  Then it’s your responsibility Now, to find those relationships that build strength and courage to go out on your own. It may feel or seem reckless or careless, and you know what, the alternative is a slow, steady decline to stuckness and stagnation.  To never being able or willing to take action towards your goals and dreams.  Today, find the people who celebrate and value a little wildness.

The relationships you have today are the stepping stone to building what you want tomorrow.

The key here is, the new relationships you make, they’ll move you forward, and then….when you are ready for the next level in your life, you’ll create new relationships.


The missing piece in society is, when you have goals, visions and dreams, you’ll need to build the relationships that support your vision goals and dreams. Leaving the safety of your nest and spreading your wings to fly. If the people you’re around don’t have the same values, or appreciate you, you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders.  Each level of change you go through, will ask for you to spread your wings and find new connections.


Your life changes when you’re willing to create and cultivate new relationships. Relationships without attachment, relationships for the growth of each person involved.

The true power in this is, allowing yourself to change. You must be willing to receive something new.  Something new in relationship to your attitude, behavior and actions to move forward towards your goals.  This begins Now.  What you learn is the true power you do have.  You learn to see people and relationships as an asset to you or a liability, neither good or bad, just a recognition of who has the potential to give freely and move you forward.

That’s right give freely and move you forward.  Give freely to contribute to your energy. Give freely to invest in you.

This is your power.  Your ability to receive without attachment.  


Illuminating the Riches Within






Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


New Growth; Investment in your resources


Invest in Your Growth ~ Body Mind Spirit

Growth. The ability to support something in development, a natural process.  We all have the ability to grow and change, develop.  It’s a choice. It requires an investment in your resources, time, energy and money. You may say, “I want to lose weight”, or “I want to get a new job”, the truth is, if you are not choosing to invest your resources, into making it happen, you’re not showing up for yourself, your growth and development to the next stage of your life.

Money, by itself is energy, a tool.   It’s used to invest in goods and services and create change.  You could decide you don’t want to “spend” money on a weight loss program, a gym membership, learning new skills, or a headhunter.  The flip side to that is you really don’t want to “invest” in yourself to lose weight or get a new job.

The Truth is, The greatest Investment you can make, is in Yourself, Body, Mind, Spirit

When you decide, having the body you want, having a job you love is more important than “not spending money”, you remove your limitations, your obstacles and choose from a place of self worth, a place where your vision and your goal is set in motion, and you invest in moving forward.

A decision and action are necessary for you to achieve the results you want.  A decision and action demand a different course. Once again, that requires change, an openness, a willingness and a positive belief in yourself to achieve the goals you desire. You plant the seeds and nourish them with your time, energy and money.

So let’s be real here.  Fear, projects limits. Fear see’s things one way. Fear closes you off to investment in yourself. You can see fear around you in the ways you stop yourself, the way you negotiate and the way you perpetuate cycles of lack and limitation.

Investments on the other hand, asks you to stop, check in.  Investments asks you to find peace, clarity, trust and belief in your vision, yourself, and the present moment.  Sure, their will be people who don’t understand your vision, or your desires. They’ll talk negative about it, put you down, and have a way to squash your vision. And that, my love, has nothing to do with you.  That is their view point of the world, their own journey through self doubt and their own projected fear.

When you recognize, investing and putting money, time and energy towards those things you hold near and dear to you, things that matter and that which you desire, you change your perspective, you open the flow to everything that supports you, to have ~.  You must listen. Listen to that which is like in words, thoughts and actions. Free of judgments, free of shame, blame and guilt.  Free.  Free in feeling, free in energy and free in being.

Free to be exactly as is.

Find your voice.

Follow your joy, your passion.

Trust your vision.

Invest your resources, your gifts, your heart energy into those that will move you forward.  It may not be those who have what you want.  It will be those who understand you are empowered to your desires and goals, those who understand the power you have over your vision. And those who believe in the beauty of investing in body mind and spirit.

Growth happens when you give more power to yourself.   Your visions, while taking right actions for those visions to grow, and manifest. Investment time, money, energy ~ body, mind, spirit

Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Deep Connection to Your Self and Your Place in the World~ Emotional Strength



Emotional Strength, like any other strength, comes through flexing your emotional muscles.  Facing challenges that seem insurmountable. As a whole, society has been vague at best when it comes to facing our emotions, and the benefits of rising to the occasion of emotional challenges.  Yet, emotions hold the key to your choices, decisions and actions. How you feel, directly connects to what you decide and choose to do. Gaining emotional strength requires facing fears, insecurities and past programming which has held you stuck, held you in uncomfortable feelings and emotions. It’s only when you decide to take up a training program in emotional strength, that you really shed the unwanted pains, traumas, limits, negativity and burdens you carry, the ones that weigh you down.

And the truth is, you wear your emotional scars within your physical body. The negative patterns, beliefs and limitations show up in your attitude, actions and the way you speak to yourself, your body, mind and spirit.

Emotions have held the responsibility of  been judged, being seen as too much, aggressive, uncontrollable, stoic and the list goes on.  The main issue I see, is society as a whole hasn’t been given tools and skills to learn to understand and train our emotions.  I’m not talking about boxing them in, stuffing them down, cutting them off.  I’m speaking about all of the addictions, habits, and coping mechanisms that people take on to suppress and not feel their feeling because they don’t know how.  A lack of a system to understand when you’re being triggered, having a skill set to recognize it, stay centered and present and feel your true feelings~ in all their discomfort.  Often times the true underlying root of the feeling stems from past experiences where you were emotionally scarred, left feeling unworthy, inadequate, unlovable, experienced distrust, made to feel less than, overall loss of power and weakened.  And you know, you know the true nature of expressing yourself and your emotions.

The journey to emotional strength begins by your willingness to face your challenges head on. Your willingness to trust your own power and your ability to choose courage over fear.

It’s wonderful to have a fitness program, strengthening your physical body, and you have learned through training, it provides a level of mental and emotional strength in the process. Having an emotional practice, gives way to strengthening your ability to respond to emotional challenges. Rather than falling into your pre-programming, or your old behaviors, an emotional strength training program provides you the tools and skills to react with patience, grace, focus, trust and most importantly, your truest source of power~ unwavering Faith and Trust in YOU.  You see, when you see a limiting pattern for what it is, when you have emotional strength, supported by courage, trust and truth, anything is possible. It’s that moment when you shift your world. All of those limits, untruths, negativity, pains and traumas disappear.

You always have a choice. It’s up to you. Do you want to be weighed down by your past emotional experiences or are you ready to face the challenges today and create a new, better future for you tomorrow.


Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Manifestation. The True Connection to your Heart and Soul.

Heart + Soul +  Trust = Manifestation

There is so much talk these days of manifestation, to manifest what you desire.  For me, manifestation is something I wholeheartedly believe in.  What I believe gets left out often is the necessity to be grounded and rooted in Self. In the space of grounded and rooted in Self, you Trust in your being, the environment you surround yourself with and in your own Heart and Soul.

Manifestation requires a vision, plan, action steps and a sacred relationship with yourself.

To be grounded and rooted, there is a simplicity in letting go, a non attachment and a balance of Trusting your own soul, led by your heart. Manifestations asks you to trust in your being, while the whole world continues to move, dance and flow.  With manifestation, you change the level you’re at, change your coordinates on where you are.  This asks you to open, allow and be.  With great joy and pleasure, you allow and receive.  It’s essential to let go of the old, outdated and reoccurring patterns, through practice, meditation or stillness of the mind, and openness.  There is an expansion that occurs for manifestation to take root and appear.

Now, when you drop into your heart and soul, in the quietness and stillness, when you know what you desire, and decide to connect within, you allow the magic to unfold and the Universe to co- create with you. With YOU, your being, your heart and soul.

Your Root is nourished through safety, security, stability in home, finances and relationships, even your relationship with yourself.  Manifestation asks you be strong in your own sense of Being, through being rooted and grounded in your own safety and security. Without proper rooting and grounding, manifestations usually have difficulty staying grounded and rooted, therefore many have trouble with manifestation coming to full fruition. It’s a process.  It circles back around to your heart and soul, the core of your being, where your being is safe, secure, connected and trusting.


Ask yourself these questions when Manifesting:

  1.  Are you centered and stable in what you desire, heart and soul. Do you believe in yourself, without knowing how it happens and trusting that it is happening.
  2. Can you find the calm, your peace, safety, security and stability while the world around you shakes, knowing your heart and soul is leading you forward toward manifestation.
  3. Are you willing, ready and able to let go of the old, the outdated, the story, opening to the new, better and more prosperous level for your life. One that is creating and building a solid foundation, fertile soil for your manifestation to take root, open and blossom, bearing fruit.
  4. Are you willing to sit in the stillness, the quiet and calmness to allow the process to unfold for you.

Enjoy the journey…where all things are possible.


Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion



Fitness. Inspiration in motion brings in Fun

Fitness for me has always been a way of life.  This has made it simple to be Fun.  I realize it has not been like that for many others, so I decided to share some of my insights and experiences making Fitness Fun.


When it comes to my physical body, the idea of feeling it healthy, vibrant, strong and shapely has always inspired me. That meaning, the inspiration, the idea and knowing I can feel healthy, vibrant, strong and shapely has been a consistent source of power and motivation.

I’ve never thought, “I have to do this in order to get or have that”.  I have always known, when I do anything related to Fitness, and I Feel Good, I’m inspired.  I notice it in my breath, my breathing, I notice it in my Yes, my feeling of saying Yes, I am doing it to myself.

Fitness, becomes fun, when I’m not chasing a goal. It becomes fun when I recognize the Power it has in keeping my body, my mind and my spirit fresh, thinking and aligned. It becomes fun when I have a plan, I know what I am training, how I am training and I stay focused and committed to that plan. The actions I perform in Fitness aren’t meant to be the hardest.  Hear me out on this…. They are meant to Build a foundation for me to build on. For me to continue to improve and get better.  This is what I love about Fitness.

What happens with many people, they chase the end result, the goal. having the great body, having the 6pack abs. From here, they expect their workouts to be a certain way, and struggle at times to commit to just doing Fitness, allowing the ebbs and flows of how they feel, tapping into pure inspiration. When you turn off your mind, and turn into your body, the amount of energy you can generate from your body is amazing!


Making Fitness Fun requires a commitment to yourself daily. This commitment can be as simple as positive affirmations, journaling or positive self talk. Your workouts are a piece of training yourself body mind and spirit.

What I love to do in my workouts is mix it up with weight training, body weight exercises, plyo (jump) drills, pilates, yoga. My workouts include aspects of each, keeping me moving and motivated.  Having a plan is essential.


A good idea is to write out your plan at the beginning of the week.  Write out what your plan is for exercise during each day and stick to that. Focus on one day at a time.  Allow your body and mind to become stronger. Allow yourself to soak in the exercises , discipline, focus and commitment you are making to yourself.


Exercise has the Power to change your life. It’s up to you to commit to the actions and receive the changes.

Let me know if you’re interested in having an exercise plan custom created just for you!

Email monica@priestessofpassion.com


Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


TIME for health, fitness and lifestyle

TIME is essential for health, fitness and lifestyle and it begins with a commitment.

To create a health plan, and fitness lifestyle that works for you, your time will be allocated to your Health, Fitness and Lifestyle and this requires a commitment from you to put your health and well being first.

It all begins with a decision.

A decision to make health, fitness and your lifestyle a priority, may be the best decision you ever make.  That means putting down your fork, your excuses, your work.  Now, that commitment.  A commitment to take positive actions towards your health.

The challenges you face, are best met with the support, help and encouragement of a trained Fitness & or Lifestyle Specialist.  This doesn’t mean you can’t do it on your own.  It means, you’re taking your resources, time and money and investing into what you need, guidance and support to stay on track, committed and focused on your health goals.

Building and creating a healthy lifestyle takes work along with your commitment. Staying focused and committed while distractions creep up, while life challenges happen, it’s really important to have someone in your corner, on your side.

When you have walls built up, the way to bring them down is stepping forward into your truth, vulnerability.  That requires a letting go of your attachments, and your beliefs. It requires you show up more powerfully, more fully and more mature.  Spiritually mature to recognize there is a problem and issue with your commitment to your health and well being. Being consciously aware you need help, and doing it alone is not working.

Why are you waiting? Do you really believe your time situation will change? Do you believe your health, nutrition and fitness will find the time on it’s own and actually do the work?

Fitness, Nutrition, Lifestyle all take discipline, and time to get the work done.  That is exactly what holds you back. You’re in this cycle of needing time, and yet your letting your health pass you by.  This is an opportunity to take inventory and take action.

Having a plan means you’ll have actions and commitments to follow through on. That means your time, energy and money will be invested in your self. Invested towards your goals.

Like a retirement plan you put in place to take care of you when your older, fitness, nutrition and a lifestyle plan supports you in living life better. It’s built upon your time and years young, to prevent and reduce illness later and adds positivity, energy and stress reduction to your life now.

Taking positive action towards your health & wellness begins today. Today because, your body mind and spirit need the attention and craves the nourishment.  Today because, moving your body never felt so good, the freedom, passion and excitement from taking action for a healthier body.  Today because your ready, ready to take the first step take action and move forward. Your ready for a more serious, more committed more powerful you, body mind spirit.  And that is Really What you want.

A more powerful You~ Body Mind Spirit.

Take action Today. Make a decision Today.  Be Bold, Be Fearless.  Fitness, Nutrition and Lifestyle can be whatever you choose it to be. When you decide, when you make Fitness, Nutrition and Lifestyle your Today, your future self will thank you.

What are you going to choose?


Illuminating the Riches Within





Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Finding Grace within the Elements

Thriving requires grounding, action, flow, believing and trusting

One of the most dynamic aspects of living is balancing all aspects of thriving. Thriving requires grounding, action, flow, believing and trusting.

Often times, one area is strongest, you’re most connected with. As with Nature, there is a process in which all aspects are given the opportunity to perform. Growth requires connection from within and feedback from the outer world.

Grounding, is the ability to stay centered, in harmony, balanced from within, while the world moves around you and you decide to go out and create changes. Now, Action is essential for change to occur. Action, when inspired is a joyful, passionate feeling, to doing what you love to be doing. Flow, is a state of letting things be as they are, without attachment. Flow, feels passive, when in reality is a subtle power, not allowing anything to move you off course or form an attachment in your way. Believing, moves your thoughts out into the world ~ to “see” what you want in your minds eye and vision it as your reality. Trusting, the Golden Ticket. Trusting is an inner knowing, a way of living in Love, Receptive and Connection with your Truest Self.

What I am learning to love about grounding is the sense of inner focus without doing. There is no action required for grounding. My life experiences brought me through overextended in action without any sense of grounding. None. The shift to learn, apply and be in grounding has been a remarkable journey, settling. A sense of peace. Grounding is essentially the opposite of action. Where action is the doing, going out, shining, grounding is deep rooted, in the depths of your center. Grounding is peaceful serene, a sense of feeling into your soul.

Action, as I mentioned is the doing. Action has a strong influence of power, excitement, enthusiasm, charisma and being seen. There’s a different kind of confidence that comes through action. It’s one that loves to be seen, to be heard, and to shine. It’s a confidence of sense of self. Being Inspired into your action adds so much energy, positive, and light energy to move you, spread your wings.

Flow is the capacity to let things roll off your back, to allow things to be as they are. Flow finds simplicity, grace, ease and freedom in the unknown. There is an element of motion that occurs naturally, intuitively and receptively. Flow provides, reassurance, comfort, support and value.

Believing honors your self. Believing creates the space, the focus and clarity for your self, the container for your grounding, action and flow to be. It makes up your thoughts and the way you choose to believe the world works. Believing paves the way for your desires and thoughts to manifest in the world. It’s the specialness you bring forth in the world, your uniqueness to embrace, cherish and celebrate.

Trusting connects your deepest roots, your grounding with your highest high, your believing. It is the light within. Trusting shines bright, shines bold and shines rich. It’s the essence of who you are at your core, from where the Magic happens. Trusting is a feeling of power & passion, radiating and magnetizing rippling out through the great big Universe.

The elements, share with us and through us the truth and beauty of who we are. It’s up to us to spend the time and energy to ignite the gifts found in the treasure chest of your soul.

Illuminating the Riches Within,

Photographer reserves all rights

Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion


Freedom springs from your being, gushing with fierceness that defies time and space.



Freedom pulls you forward. It’s this space, this gap between where you’re at and where you want to go. Freedom offers you opportunity in the form of a challenge to break old beliefs, habits, patterns, and ways of living. Freedom provides you the experience of trusting your instinct, your intuition and your inner knowing. Freedom is not about your time, nor about your money or income. Freedom is your choice to take action on something that holds meaning to you. No one else may understand this. Freedom is about moving forward. It’s about embracing your feelings, your beliefs and your ideas, taking action towards them. Freedom resides within a place in you. In your heart, where it matches the expression of your soul, and the fire in your spirit. Together, when clear, focused and detached from old ways, Freedom springs from your being, gushing with fierceness that defies time and space. Brave, audacious, courageous, adventurous, daring, fearless. Freedom. Freedom holds power. Or rather your Power, holds freedom.

It’s up to you to confront your fears. Confront your outdated beliefs and old habits and patterns. The ones which keep freedom at bay. There’s actually a practicality to identifying and confronting your fears, outdated beliefs, old habits and patterns. Finding your center, being in stillness. Getting clear on where you’re at, where you want to go. Look at it as 2 canvas. One on the left where you currently are and one on the right, where you want to go. The canvas on the right, what are the things you want to be doing to get you there? Name 3 things. They will most likely relate to something about your beliefs. Recognize them. See them.

It begins right here.

When you realize and see how these beliefs are limiting, have been blocking your path to freedom, you have the opportunity to take a step forward, with a shift in action.

Freedom is the sweet spot. Where you dive in, trust in yourself and decide moving forward is the only option.

Illuminating the Riches Within

Photographer reserves all rights


Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion
