The Power of Action, 5 Essential Steps


Action has the ability to move you forward. The most powerful aspect of Action is, to listen to the voice from within. Sometime, that voice asks you to, find the stillness, create the space, and find your center. This kind of Action tends to get dismissed for the go out and do, get it done, type of Action.

Action is requires to create change. It asks you to find a new way, create a path that has not been traveled and challenges your status quo.

Often times people put up resistance to “action”, finding excuses, turning their heads, essentially giving up their power to create the change they truly desire. Action depends upon humility, gratitude, faith and trust.

In order for anything to change, action must be taken. Action involves thinking and doing, with the desired outcome to be a new way.

Here are 5 Essentials Steps to Action

  1. Know where you want to go, what the desired out come is you want. In order to know where you want to go, you must chart a path, have a plan. Where you want to go is different from where you are now. You’ll find when deciding where you want to go, you’ll need to take new steps, new actions to get there. Not always is the plan easy to see, and it may take you on some turns. The key here is to know where you want to go.
  1. You’ll be challenged, almost tested. When creating changes by taking action, you’ll meet up old limiting patterns, behaviors that created where you are now. These were the patterns, behaviors that got you to where you are. You may meet up against them as your new choices and decisions will bring you to do things a new way. These challenges are what creates the change. They make you stronger, test your courage, your inner resolve and your faith ~ in yourself.
  1. Take small steps, Big courage. The reason I recommend small steps is, you are building a new foundation, a foundation that will support you in moving forward. This foundation is what holds you together and having support in all ways. Small steps lead to big wins, and the courage it takes to face these small steps allows you freedom to make the changes you desire.
  1. Find the Stillness, Listen. In many cases action is either rushed or procrastinated with inaction. There is a healthy balance of Action found within, in your stillness to listen to your inner voice. Through the stillness, with your full attention, and patience you will find your next step to action. This link is the bridge between where you are and what you need to do to go where you want to go.  It begins in the stillness so action is clear, precise, focused and on target.
  1. Allow the Actions to unfold. After the action is taken, allow the process to follow and unfold. This is where the new decisions and choices you have made, begin to move you forward. Let them be, Trust in your decisions and choices. Be present, focused and committed to your new action. There is no pushing in the action. With precision, focus and detail your actions move like an arrow launched to it’s target. Allow it to be carried out. There is so much Personal Power in Trusting in your decision and your action.

There is so much Joy in taking the right actions and having the Trust and Faith in the Process.

It establishes a deeper connection with yourself, and Action shows you all things are possible.


Illuminating the Riches Within

Photographer reserves all rights






Monica Heiz

Priestess of Passion

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